Subject Index
Age of the Creation / Young-Earth
- Age of the Creation - 80 minute multimedia presentation by Chris Ashcraft during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church. October 10th 2018.
- Astounding Evidence for a Young Earth by Bruce Malone.
- Distant Starlight: Does it Disprove Biblical Creation? 70 minute multimedia presentation by Spike Psarris followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church, November 2017.
- Genesis: Fables or Foundation Of Our Faith? - 80 minute multimedia presentation by Chris Ashcraft at the Apologetics Symosium at Cedar Park Church. January 31th, 2018
- How Many Years in a Day? - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Vince LaPoint followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church, October 2nd 2019.
- Light Speed and Other Puzzling Data That May Support a Recent Creation - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Barry Setterfield at the Seattle Creation Conference August 2006.
- Millions of Years: The Idea's Unscientific Origin & Catastrophic Consequences - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Dr. Terry Mortenson from Answers in Genesis followed Q&A .during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church February 6th 2019
- Once Upon a Time: Understanding The Mythology Behind Radioactive Dating - 55 minute multimedia presentation by Tas Walker at the Seattle Creation Conference, September 2015.
- The Problems With Distant Starlight - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Dan Kreft followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church. January 8th 2020.
- Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth: Its a Young World After All 60 minute multimedia presentation by Larry Vardiman at the Seattle Creation Conference October, 2009.
- Refuting Compromise 60 minute multimedia presentation - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Jonathan Sarfati. Tecorded at the Seattle Creation Conference August 2007.
- Scientific Evidences for a Young Earth - 52 minute multimedia presentation by Thomas Kindell at the Seattle Creation Conference July 2004.
- Thousands Not Billions - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Larry Vardiman at the Seattle Creation Conference August, 2005.
- The Young Earth - 50 minute multimedia presentation by John Morris at the Seattle Creation Conference October 2010.
- Young Earth - Young Universe - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Spike Psarris at the Seattle Creation Conference, June 2013.
PowerPoint Files
- Age of the Creation by Chris Ashcraft
- Age of the Earth: Its a Young Earth After All by John Morris
- Age of the Earth by Mike Riddle
- Astounding Evidence for a Young Earth by Bruce Malone
- Carbon-14 Dating by Mike Riddle
- Dating Fossils and Rocks by Mike Riddle
- Dating Methods and the Age of the Earth by Mike Riddle
- Genesis: Fables or Foundation of Our Faith? by Chris Ashcraft
- Scriptural Arguments for a Young Earth by Thomas Kindell
- Scientific Evidences for a Young Earth by Thomas Kindell
- The Six Days of Creation by Mike Riddle
- Thousands...Not Billions by Larry Vardiman
- Articles
- Creationist Links
Apologetics - Christian/Biblical
- Videos
- Apologetics 101 - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Mike Riddle followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church, June 2014.
- Battle for the Bible by Dr. Phil Fernandes. 60 minute multimedia presentation followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church, July 16th 2015
- Biblical Apologetics: Defending Belief in the Bible - 80 minute multimedia presentation by Chris Ashcraft at the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church. April 10th 2019.
- The Biblical Basis for Apologetics 60 minute multimedia presentation by Phil Fernandes followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church, May 2014.
- Can You Defend What You Believe? - 45 minute multimedia presentation by Mike Riddle, which was at the Seattle Creation Conference July 2004.
- Christianity Re-Defined by Mormonism - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Mark Champneys followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church. February 1st 2017
- The Christian Roots Of Science & Busting The Myths Of Science - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Jonathan Sarfati at the Seattle Creation Conference, June 2013.
- Creation / Evolution: Does it Matter What We Believe - 55 minute talk by Mike Riddle based on his book of the same title that may be downloaded here.
- Creation or Evolution: Can You Defend What You Believe? - 50 minute talk by Mike Riddle was at a meeting of the Creation Association of Puget Sound on February 2004.
- The Creation Of The World: Understanding Genesis 1:1 - 40 minute multimedia presentation Larry Vardiman at the Seattle Creation Conference October 2009.
- Critical Thinking Skills That Disarm Evolutionists by Mike Riddle. 60 minute multimedia presentation followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church January 4th 2017
- The Cumulative Case For God 60 minute multimedia presentation by Phil Fernandes followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church, September 5th 2018.
- Did Jesus Really Exist? Refuting the Jesus Myth Hypothesis 60 minute multimedia presentation by Phil Fernandes followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church, August 2016.
- Did Jesus Rise from the Dead? 60 minute multimedia presentation by Phil Fernandes followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church September 2017.
- The Existence of God 60 minute multimedia presentation by Phil Fernandes at the Seattle Creation Conference August 2007.
- Genesis: Fables or Foundation Of Our Faith? - 80 minute multimedia presentation by Chris Ashcraft at the Apologetics Symosium at Cedar Park Church. January 31th, 2018
- Has Science Now Buried God? - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Dr. Heinz Lycklama followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church. April 4th 2018.
- The Historical Accuracy of the Bible 80 minute multimedia presentation by Carl Aardsma during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church. December 4th 2019.
- Love Your God With All Your Mind - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Chris Ashcraft at the Seattle Creation Conference August 2007 at Calvary Chapel of Lake Stevens, WA.
- Only Believe- 60 minute seminar by Paul Taylor followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church, November 13th 2019.
- Refuting Compromise 60 minute multimedia presentation - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Jonathan Sarfati. Tecorded at the Seattle Creation Conference August 2007.
- Refuting Four Recent Attacks Against The Historical Jesus - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Phil Fernandes. at the Seattle Creation Conference October 2011.
- Refuting God Used Evolution 60 minute multimedia presentation by Mike Riddle followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church, May 2nd 2018.
- Science Truths in The Bible - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Heinz Lycklama followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church May 3rd 2017.
- The Solar System: Wonderfully Designed for Us 80 minute multimedia presentation by Chris Ashcraft during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church July 2016.
- The Spheres Speak Creation’s Truth! 80 minute multimedia presentation by Maureen O'Kane during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church December 5th 2018.
- Stretching the Heavens: A New Cosmology - 2:50 minute workshop by Barry Setterfield at the Seattle Creation Conference August 2006.
- Why There Must Be a Creator 60 minute multimedia presentation by Ray Rempt at the Seattle Creation Conference August 2006.
- Why We Must Defend Genesis - 80 minute multimedia presentation by Chris Ashcraft during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church April 12th 2017.
- Videos
- Archaeology Wars! - 70 minute multimedia presentation by Bruce Barton during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church, April 6th 2016
- Biblical Apologetics: Defending Belief in the Bible - 80 minute multimedia presentation by Chris Ashcraft at the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church. April 10th 2019.
- Discovering the City of Sodom by Steven Collins, Biblical Archaeology Conference, Avondale Bible Church, November 9th, 2013.
- The Discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls: Qumran and the Bible 75 minute multimedia presentation by Dr. Tim Campbell at the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Churchby. November 7th 2018.
- Egyptian Chronology and the Bible - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Patrick Nurre followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church, October 2015.
- The Ica Burial Stones Of Peru - by Stan Lutz
- New Testament Archaeology 90 minute multimedia presentation by Chris Ashcraft during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church, May 13th 2020.
- Old Testament Archaeology - Part 1 90 minute multimedia presentation by Chris Ashcraft during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church, May 9th 2018.
- Old Testament Archaeology - Part 2 - 90 minute multimedia presentation by Chris Ashcraft during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church. May 30th 2018.
- The Puzzle of Ancient Man 47 minute multimedia presentation by Donald Chittick based on his book of the same title, which was at the Seattle Creation Conference July 2004. by Donald Chittick
- The Search for Sodom And Gomorrah - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Steven Austin at the Seattle Creation Conference October, 2009.
- The Shroud of Turin by John Johnson, Biblical Archaeology Conference, Avondale Bible Church, November 9th, 2013.
- The Shroud of Turin as the Burial Cloth of Jesus - Answers for Critics - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Dr. John Johnson followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church. September 7th 2016.
- Synchronizing the Bible and Archaeology by Steven Collins, Biblical Archaeology Conference, Avondale Bible Church, November 9th, 2013.
- Tel Gezer Water Tunnel Dig Report by Preston Geren, Biblical Archaeology Conference, Avondale Bible Church, November 9th, 2013.
- Will the Real Pharaoh of the Exodus Please Stand Up! by Steven Collins, Biblical Archaeology Conference, Avondale Bible Church, November 9th, 2013.
- PowerPoint files
- Old Testament Archaeology by Chris Ashcraft
- New Testament Archaeology by Chris Ashcraft
- Articles
- Noah Ark (see this topic below)
- Tower of Babel
- James Ossuary Withstands Accusations by Chris Ashcraft. Creation 32(1), January 2010.
- Creationist Links
- News
Astronomy & Cosmology
- Videos
- Astronomy and the Bible - 56 min multimedia presentation by Mike Riddle October 2003 in Bellevue, WA.
- Big Bang: Proven Science or Assumptions? - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Maureen O'Kane followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church December 2017.
- Big Bang vs. Biblical Creation: Are They Compatible 80 minute multimedia presentation by Chris Ashcraft at the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church. April 29th 2020.
- Big Bang Cosmology vs. Biblical Creation: Are They Compatible? 80 minute multimedia presentation by Chris Ashcraft at the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church. January 11th 2017
- The Big Bang Never Happened - 60 minute multimedia presentation Spike Psarris at the Seattle Creation Conference, June 2013.
- Black Holes: Menace or Myth? - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Maureen O'Kane followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church. February 7, 2018.
- Cosmology: Explaining The Universe - 50 minute multimedia presentation by John Byl at the Seattle Creation Conference October 2010.
- Creation and Cosmology - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Danny Faulkner at the Seattle Creation Conference August, 2005.
- Creation Astronomy - 80 minute multimedia presentation by Chris Ashcraft at the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church, April 8th 2020.
- Creation Astronomy: The Heavens Declare the Glory of God by Spike Psarris, Apologetics Forum of Snohomish County, Atonement Free Lutheran Church, Arlington, WA. November 22, 2013
- Current Events In Creationist Astronomy - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Don DeYoung. at the Seattle Creation Conference October 2011.
- Distant Starlight: Does it Disprove Biblical Creation? 70 minute multimedia presentation by Spike Psarris followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church, November 2017.
- How Big is God - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Diego Rodriquez at the Seattle Creation Conference October, 2009.
- Let the Heavens Declare! 60 minute multimedia presentation by Chris Ashcraft during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church. April 11th, 2018.
- Light Speed and Other Puzzling Data That May Support a Recent Creation - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Barry Setterfield at the Seattle Creation Conference August 2006.
- Our Created Solar System 85 minute multimedia presentation by Spike Psarris at the Seattle Creation Conference August 2006.
- Our Created Universe - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Spike Psarris followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church, May 21st, 2015
- Our Privileged Planet - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Dr. Heinz Lycklama followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church. March 2nd 2016.
- Physics Disproves Atheistic Cosmologies - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Spike Psarris followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church, May 4, 2016.
- The Problems With Distant Starlight - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Dan Kreft followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church. January 8th 2020.
- The Spheres Speak Creation’s Truth! 80 minute seminar by Maureen O'Kane during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church December 5th 2018.
- Stretching the Heavens: A New Cosmology - 2 hour 50 minute workshop by Barry Setterfield at the Seattle Creation Conference August 2006.
- UFOs and the Bible by Phil Fernandes
- PowerPoint Files:
- Age of the Creation by Chris Ashcraft
- Aliens, UFOs and the Bible by Mike Riddle
- Astronomy and the Bible by Mike Riddle
- The Bible and the Big Bang by Mike Riddle
- Big Bang by Chris Ashcraft
- Creation Astronomy by Chris Ashcraft
- Origin of Stars by Chris Ashcraft
- Our Created Solar System by Spike Psarris
- Our Created Universe by Spike Psarris
- Articles
- Cosmology (creation vs. big bang)
- Geocentricity
- The Star of Bethlehem
- Bible References
- News
- Creationist Links
- Videos
- Amazing Animal Designs: God's Technological Marvels - 80 minute multimedia presentation by Chris Ashcraft at the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church by Chris Ashcraft May 8th 2019.
- Biomimetics Means - God Invented It First - 80 minute multimedia presentation by Dr. Thomas Kindell during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church. March 6th 2019.
- Darwin or Design: The Human Reproductive System - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Randy J. Guliuzza. at the Worldview Apologetics Conference April 2012.
- Darwinism: Massacred by a Monarch - 65 minute multimedia presentation by Thomas Kindell at the Seattle Creation Conference, September 2015.
- Designed for Life - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Jonathan Sarfati at the Seattle Creation Conference August 2007.
- Discovery Of Design - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Don DeYoung. at the Seattle Creation Conference October 2011.
- Genetic Variaility by Design - 64 minute multimedia presentation by Chris Ashcraft by the Design Science Association. July 2005.
- God’s Amazing Insects - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Frank Sherwin during the Seattle Creation Conference October 2016 at Cedar Park Church, Bothell WA.
- Life and Its Origin - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Dr. Don Johnson followed by Q&A .during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church August 2015.
- Mighty, Wonderful Oceans - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Frank Sherwin at the Seattle Creation Conference August 2007.
- The Nature of God and Biology 70 minute multimedia presentation by Kurt Wise at the Seattle Creation Conference May 2014.
- Programming of Life - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Dr. Don Johnson followed by Q&A .during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church, August 2014.
- The Wonder of Insect Flight - 60 minute multimedia presentation following by a question and answer session by Dr. Andy McIntosh during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church, October 3rd 2018.
- Wonderfully Made: The Incredible Design of the Human Body 80 minute multimedia presentation by Chris Ashcraft during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church. December 12th 2018
- Wonders of the Microscopic World 80 minute multimedia presentation by Chris Ashcraft during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church May 29, 2019.
- The Wonders of Creation Reveal God's Glory - 80 minute multimedia presentation by Chris Ashcraft during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church September 12, 2018.
- Wonders of the Human Body 60 minute multimedia presentation by Frank Sherwin at the Seattle Creation Conference August 2007.
- PowerPoint files
- Amazing Animal Design: God's Technological Marvels by Chris Ashcraft
- Creation, Cloning, and Life by Mike Riddle
- Creation, Evolution and Biology by Duane Gish
- Evidence That Demands a Creator by Mike Riddle
- Genetic Variability by Design by Chris Ashcraft
- God's Amazing Creation by Mike Riddle
- The Image of God by Chris Ashcraft
- Irrefutable Examples of Design in Nature (Download File 17.4 MB) by Thomas Kindell
- Irrefutable Examples of Design in Nature - The Bees (Download File 8.9 MB) by Thomas Kindell
- Irrefutable Examples of Design in Nature - The Birds (Download File 12.8 MB) by Thomas Kindell
- Miracle of the Human Body by Frank Sherwin
- One Race by Mike Riddle
- Wonders of the Cell by Chris Ashcraft
- Articles
- Biomimicry
- Genetics
- Intelligent Design
- New Design Innovatons from Biomimetics: Lobster Recruited in the War on Terrorism by Chris Ashcraft. Creation 32(3):21-23, August 2010.
- Genetic Variability by Design by Chris Ashcraft. Journal of Creation 18(2) 2004
- How Did Plants Survive the Biblical Flood?
- What Are the Biblical Kinds?
- News
- Videos
- Catastrophic Plate Tectonics: A Global Flood Model For Earth History - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Steven Austin at the Seattle Creation Conference October, 2009.
- Climate Modeling of the Post-Flood Ice Age - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Dr. Larry Vardiman followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church, December 2014.
- The Floods Came Up and the Rains Came Down - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Dr. Larry Vardiman followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church February 3rd 2016
- Floating Forests: An Example of Creation Model Building - 70 minute multimedia presentation by Kurt Wise at the Seattle Creation Conference May 2014.
- The Ice Age: Only the Bible Can Explain it - 44 minute multimedia presentation by Michael Oard at the Seattle Creation Conference July 2004.
- Learning from Catastrophe: Biological Recovery at Mount St. Helens 60 minute multimedia presentation by Dr. Keith Swenson followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church. October 2017.
- Mega Catastrophe: Evidence for Planetary Disaster of Biblical Proportions - 52 minute multimedia presentation by Tas Walker at the Seattle Creation Conference, September 2015.
- Millions of Years: The Idea's Unscientific Origin & Catastrophic Consequences - 60 minute seminar by Dr. Terry Mortenson from Answers in Genesis followed question session .during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church February 6th 2019
- Some Like it Hot: One View on Climate Change by Larry Vardiman
- Mount St. Helens: An Explosion That Rocked the Worldviews - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Chris Ashcraft during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church. March 11th 2020
- Some Like it Hot: One View on Climate Change - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Larry Vardiman at the Seattle Creation Conference October, 2009.
- What Does the Lake Missoula Flood Teach Us? - 50 minute multimedia presentation by Michael Oard at the Seattle Creation Conference, September 2015.
- Whatever Happened to the Woolly Mammoths? 50 minute multimedia presentation by Michael Oard at the Seattle Creation Conference, September 2015.
- PowerPoint Files
- The Big Freeze by Larry Vardiman
- Standing on Evidence from Mount St. Helens by John Morris
- Articles
- Flood Geology (see this topic below)
- Ice Age
- Mt. St. Helens
- The Grand Canyon
- The Channeled Scablands
- Only One Lake Missoula Flood by Michael J. Oard
- Evidence of the Flood in Franklin County by Gerald Durr
- Creationist Links
Dinosaurs
- Videos
- The Dinosaur Hunters 60 minute multimedia presentation by Patrick Nurre followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church. April 3rd 2019.
- The Dinosaur Puzzle - 48 minute multimedia presentation by Donald Chittick at the Seattle Creation Conference July 2004.
- Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs! - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Dr. Dennis Swift during the Seattle Creation ConferenceOctober 2016 at Cedar Park Church, Bothell WA.
- Dinosaurs: Monsters of the Ancient World - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Bruce Barton followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church, September 2014.
- Dinosaurs: Lost World of the Bible - 50 minute multimedia presentation by Chris Ashcraft at the Seattle Creation Conference October 2010.
- Dinosaurs: Lost World of the Bible - 75 minute multimedia presentation by Chris Ashcraft at the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church, May 11, 2016.
- Dinosaurs and the Bible 75 minute multimedia presentation by Chris Ashcraft at the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church, November 14th 2018.
- Dinosaurs and the Bible 80 minute multimedia presentation by Chris Ashcraft at the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church, February 12th 2020.
- Dinosaurs and the Bible - 60 minute documentary by Restoring Genesis Ministries.
- Dinosaurs and the Bible - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Steve Wolfe at the Seattle Creation Conference August 2006.
- The Ica Burial Stones Of Peru - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Stan Lutz at the Seattle Creation Conference October, 2009.
- The ICA Stones: Hoax or History? - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Dr. Dennis Swift during the Seattle Creation Conference October 2016 at Cedar Park Church, Bothell WA.
- What You Haven't Been Told About Dinosaurs 60 minute multimedia presentation by Brian Thomas followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church April 16th, 2015
- PowerPoint files
- Dinosaurs and Biblical Truth by Mike Riddle
- Dinosaurs: Lost World of the Bible by Chris Ashcraft
- Dinosaurs to Kids by Mike Riddle
- The Great Dinosaur Deception-Exposed! by Thomas Kindell
- Articles
- News
- Creationist Links
- Videos
- A Question of Origins 60 minute documentary by Eternal Productions has been translated into Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Polish, Serbian, and Slovakian. All 8 languages are available free online.
- Answer Evolution - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Vince LaPoint at the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church. April 5th, 2017.
- Creation / Evolution: Does it Matter What We Believe - 55 minute talk by Mike Riddle based on his book of the same title that may be downloaded here.
- Creation or Evolution: Can You Defend What You Believe? - 50 minute talk by Mike Riddle was at a meeting of the Creation Association of Puget Sound on February 2004.
- Critical Thinking Skills That Disarm Evolutionists by Mike Riddle. 60 minute multimedia presentation followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church January 4th 2017
- Evolution: What Darwin Didn't Know - 80 minute multimedia presentation by Chris Ashcraft during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church, June 3rd 2020.
- Evolutionism: The Religion That Offers Nothing - 75 minute multimedia presentation by Thomas Kindell at the Seattle Creation Conference, September 2015.
- Evolution's Four Fatal Flaws - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Dr. Heinz Lycklama followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church, February 19th, 2015.
- Evolution’s Showstopper! - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Dr. Heinz Lycklama followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church, May 1st 2019.
- Five Minutes with a Darwinist: Exposing the FLUFF of Evolution - 60 minute multimedia presentation by By Randy J. Guliuzza. at the Worldview Apologetics Conference April 2012.
- Genesis and Science Support Programmed Filling, Not Natural Selection - 60 minute multimedia presentation Dr. Randy J. Guliuzza April 19, 2012 to the Creation Association of Puget Sound, Bellevue Church of Christ, WA.
- Icons of Evolution - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Heinz Lycklama at the Seattle Creation Conference August 2006.
- Life and Its Origin - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Dr. Don Johnson followed by Q&A .during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church August 2015.
- Mutations & Darwinism - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Jerry Bergman at the Seattle Creation Conference, June 2013.
- The Origin of Life: Creation or Cosmic Chance? - 80 minute multimedia presentation by Chris Ashcraft during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church December 2nd 2020.
- Real Chemistry Doesn’t Support the Origin of Life - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Ron Payne followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church, February 5th 2020
- Real Science Supports The Bible! - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Jonathan Sarfati. at the Seattle Creation Conference, June 2013.
- Refuting God Used Evolution 60 minute multimedia presentation by Mike Riddle followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church, May 2nd 2018.
- Refuting Textbook Arguments for Evolution - Part 1 - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Dr. Thomas Kindell followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church, June 1st 2016.
- Refuting Textbook Arguments for Evolution - Part 2 - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Dr. Thomas Kindell followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church. March 7th, 2018.
- The Rise of Darwinism and its Implications for Society - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Bruce Barton at the Seattle Creation Conference August 2006.
- Science and Humanism: The Bitter Fruits of Evolution 60 minute multimedia presentation by Bruce Barton followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church June 7th 2017.
- What Darwin Didn't Know - 45 minute multimedia presentation by Robert Carter at Cedar Park Christian School chapel, September 2014.
- Whatever Happened To Darwin's Tree Of Life? 50 minute multimedia presentation by Paul Nelson at the Seattle Creation Conference October 2010.
- PowerPoint files
- Creation / Evolution: Does it Matter What we Believe? by Mike Riddle
- Creation, Evolution and Biology by Duane Gish
- Is There a Monkey in Your Family Tree - by Thomas Kindell
- The Origin of Humans: Evolution or Made in God's Image by Mike Riddle
- The Origin of Life: Evidence of Creation by Mike Riddle
- The Making of Mankind by Mike Riddle
- The Origin of Life by Chris Ashcraft
- Planet of the Apes? by Chris Ashcraft
- Articles
- Abiogenesis (origin of life)
- Abelson's Hypothesis By Mark Stewart
- Atheism and the Scientific Community
- Creation or Evolution: Does it Really Matter? by Bruce Barton
- Darwinian Faith vs. Intelligent Faith By Monte Kuligowski
- Evidence Against Evolution by Heinz Lycklama
- Evolution Fraud
- Evolution Exposed! Opposing Science and Scripture by Jacqueline Melissa Powell PDF format also available.
- Evolution from the Creationary Perspective
- The Genetic Limits of Evolution
- Genetic Variability by Design by Chris Ashcraft. Journal of Creation 18(2) 2004
- Creationist Links
- Quotes
- News
- PowerPoint files
- Fossils and the Bible by Chris Ashcraft
- The Fossil Record by Mike Riddle
- The Fossil Record: A Problem for Evolution by John Morris
- "Out-of-Place” Fossils and Artifacts by Thomas Kindell
- The Witness of the Fossils by Thomas Kindell
- Videos
- Floating Forests: An Example of Creation Model Building - 70 minute multimedia presentation by Kurt Wise at the Seattle Creation Conference May 2014.
- Fossils and the Bible - 80 minute multimedia presentation by Chris Ashcraft at the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church. January 10th 2018
- Fossil Record: A Problem for Evolution 50 minute multimedia presentation by John Morris at the Seattle Creation Conference October 2010.
- Fossils: Friend or Foe? - 45 minute multimedia presentation by Carl Kerby at Cedar Park Christian School chapel, May 2014.
- Geology and the Fossil Record - 80 minute multimedia presentation by Chris Ashcraft during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church. November 6th 2019.
- Articles
- Creationist Links
- News
- Fossil Quotes
Flood Geology
- PowerPoint files
- Geology and the Flood of Noah by Mike Riddle
- The Genesis Flood: An Approach Based on Logic and Evidence by Mike Riddle
- Geologic Worldviews and the Global Flood by Chris Ashcraft
- The Oceans Tsunamis and the Flood by Frank Sherwin
- Worldwide Geologic Evidence of the Genesis Flood Thomas Kindell
- Videos
- A Deluge Of Evidence: Noah's Flood and The Historical Roots of Secularism - 50 minutes multimedia presentation by Tas Walker at the Seattle Creation Conference, September 2015
- Catastrophic Plate Tectonics: A Global Flood Model For Earth History - by Steven Austin
- Creation Geology: The Key To Unraveling Earth History by Patrick Nurre, Apologetics Forum of Snohomish County, Atonement Free Lutheran Church, Arlington, WA. January 24th, 2014
- Creation Geology: The Key to Unraveling Earth History - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Patrick Nurre followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church.. January 3, 2017
- Earth's Surface Shaped By Receding Floodwater - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Mike Oard followed by Q&A .during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church, July 2014.
- The Floods Came Up and the Rains Came Down - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Dr. Larry Vardiman followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church February 3rd 2016
- Floating Forests: An Example of Creation Model Building - 70 minute multimedia presentation by Kurt Wise at the Seattle Creation Conference May 2014.
- Geology and the Clash of Worldviews - 80 minute multimedia presentation by Chris Ashcraft at the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church October 2017.
- Geology and the Biblical Flood - 80 minute multimedia presentation by Chris Ashcraft during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church. January 30th 2019.
- Geology and the Fossil Record - 80 minute multimedia presentation by Chris Ashcraft during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church. November 6th 2019.
- Geology and the Global Flood - 60 minute seminar by Steven Austin at the Seattle Creation Conference October, 2009
- The Geology of Israel by Patrick Nurre at the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church. October 5th 2016.
- The Ice Age: Only the Bible Can Explain it - 44 minute multimedia presentation by Michael Oard at the Seattle Creation Conference July 2004.
- Mighty, Wonderful Oceans - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Frank Sherwin at the Seattle Creation Conference August 2007.
- Mount St. Helens: An Explosion That Rocked the Worldviews - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Chris Ashcraft during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church. March 11th 2020
- Startling Evidence that Noah's Flood Really Happened - 59 minute multimedia presentation by Michael Oard, which was at the Seattle Creation Conference July 2004.
- What Does the Lake Missoula Flood Teach Us? - 50 minute multimedia presentation by Michael Oard at the Seattle Creation Conference, September 2015.
- Worldwide Evidence For Noah's Flood - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Michael Oard. at the Seattle Creation Conference October 2011.
- Worldwide Geologic Evidence of the Flood - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Thomas Kindell at the Seattle Creation Conference August 2007.
- Articles
- News
- Quotes
- Creationist Links
Human Evolution
- Videos
- Human Evolution - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Frank Sherwin during the Seattle Creation Conference October 2016 at Cedar Park Church, Bothell WA.
- Human Evolution: Is That All You Got? 50 minute multimedia presentation by Carl Kerby at the Seattle Creation Conference May 2014.
- Is There a Monkey in Your Family Tree - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Thomas Kindell at the Seattle Creation Conference August 2007.
- Planet of the Apes: Will the Real Ape-Man Please Stand Up? 80 minute multimedia presentation by Chris Ashcraft during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church. May 6th 2020.
- The Puzzle of Ancient Man 47 minute multimedia presentation by Donald Chittick based on his book of the same title, which was at the Seattle Creation Conference July 2004.
- PowerPoint Files
- Is There a Monkey in Your Family Tree - by Thomas Kindell
- One Race by Mike Riddle
- The Origin of Humans: Evolution or Made in God's Image by Mike Riddle
- The Making of Mankind by Mike Riddle
- Planet of the Apes? by Chris Ashcraft
- Articles
- News
- Quotes
- Creationist Links
Intelligent Design
- Videos
- Amazing Animal Designs: God's Technological Marvels - 80 minute multimedia presentation by Chris Ashcraft at the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church by Chris Ashcraft May 8th 2019.
- Biomimetics Means - God Invented It First - 80 minute multimedia presentation by Dr. Thomas Kindell during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church. March 6th 2019.
- Busting The Myths Of Science - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Jonathan Sarfati at the Seattle Creation Conference, June 2013.
- Darwin or Design: The Human Reproductive System - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Randy J. Guliuzza. at the Worldview Apologetics Conference April 2012.
- Darwinism: Massacred by a Monarch - 65 minute multimedia presentation by Thomas Kindell at the Seattle Creation Conference, September 2015.
- Defeating Atheism With Science - 60 minute multimedia presentation Spike Psarris followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church, March 2014
- Designed for Life - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Jonathan Sarfati at the Seattle Creation Conference August 2007.
- Discovery Of Design - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Don DeYoung. at the Seattle Creation Conference October 2011.
- Genetic Variaility by Design - 64 minute multimedia presentation by Chris Ashcraft by the Design Science Association. July 2005.
- God’s Amazing Insects - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Frank Sherwin during the Seattle Creation Conference October 2016 at Cedar Park Church, Bothell WA.
- Intelligent Design - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Heinz Lycklama at the Seattle Creation Conference August 2006.
- The Laws of Nature - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Dr. Don DeYoung during the Seattle Creation Conference October 2016 at Cedar Park Church, Bothell WA.
- Mathematics and Creation - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Dr. Don DeYoung during the Seattle Creation Conference October 2016 at Cedar Park Church, Bothell WA.
- Our Privileged Planet - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Dr. Heinz Lycklama followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church. March 2nd 2016.
- Physics Disproves Atheistic Cosmologies - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Spike Psarris followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church, May 4, 2016.
- Programming of Life - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Dr. Don Johnson followed by Q&A .during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church, August 2014.
- Science Truths in The Bible - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Heinz Lycklama followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church May 3rd 2017.
- Scientific Evidence for Creation: Design in Nature - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Frank Sherwin during the Seattle Creation Conference October 2016 at Cedar Park Church, Bothell WA.
- Thermodynamic Arguments for Creation - 62 minute multimedia presentation by Thomas Kindell at the Seattle Creation Conference July 2004.
- Understanding Intelligent Design 50 minute multimedia presentation by Paul Nelson at the Seattle Creation Conference October 2010.
- What Is the 'Best' Evidence God Created? 50 minute multimedia presentation by Carl Kerby at the Seattle Creation Conference May 2014.
- The Wonder of Insect Flight - 60 minute multimedia presentation following by a question and answer session by Dr. Andy McIntosh during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church, October 3rd 2018.
- Wonderfully Made: The Incredible Design of the Human Body 80 minute multimedia presentation by Chris Ashcraft during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church. December 12th 2018
- Wonders of the Microscopic World 80 minute multimedia presentation by Chris Ashcraft during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church May 29, 2019.
- The Wonders of Creation Reveal God's Glory - 80 minute multimedia presentation by Chris Ashcraft during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church September 12, 2018.
- Wonders of the Human Body 60 minute multimedia presentation by Frank Sherwin at the Seattle Creation Conference August 2007.
- PowerPoint files
- Amazing Animals: Design vs. Darwinism by Chris Ashcraft
- Evidence That Demands a Creator by Mike Riddle
- Genetic Variability by Design by Mike Riddle
- God's Amazing Creation by Mike Riddle
- Irrefutable Examples of Design in Nature by Thomas Kindell
- Irrefutable Examples of Design in Nature - The Bees by Thomas Kindell
- Irrefutable Examples of Design in Nature - The Birds by Thomas Kindell
- Wonders of the Cell by Chris Ashcraft
- Articles
- New Design Innovatons from Biomimetics: Lobster Recruited in the War on Terrorism by Chris Ashcraft. Creation 32(3):21-23, August 2010.
- Darwinian Faith vs. Intelligent Faith By Monte Kuligowski
- Reflections of a Mathematician by John Johnson
Noah's Ark
- Articles
- PowerPoint files
- Noah's Ark and the Genesis Flood by Mike Riddle
- Noah's Ark News
- Creationist Links
- Videos
- Always Be Prepared to Give an Answer - 45 minute sermon by Chris Ashcraft. at Cedar Park Church April 27th, 2014
- Biblical Worldview As it Relates to Science - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Dr. Robert Carter followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church, October 2014.
- Busting The Myths Of Science - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Jonathan Sarfati at the Seattle Creation Conference, June 2013.
- Defeating Atheism With Science - 60 minute multimedia presentation Spike Psarris followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church, March 2014
- Geology and the Clash of Worldviews - 80 minute multimedia presentation by Chris Ashcraft at the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church October 2017.
- Has Science Now Buried God? - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Dr. Heinz Lycklama followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church. April 4th 2018.
- Hitler and the Nazi Darwinian Worldview - 60 minute seminar by Jerry Bergman at the Seattle Creation Conference, June 2013.
- The Moral Impact Of Darwinism On Society - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Phil Fernandes at the Seattle Creation Conference October 2011.
- New Atheist Pseudoscience - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Heinz Lycklama at the Seattle Creation Conference August 2014.
- Only Believe- 60 minute seminar by Paul Taylor followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church, November 13th 2019.
- Physics Disproves Atheistic Cosmologies - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Spike Psarris followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church, May 4, 2016.
- Remote Control: Critically Evaluating What We Are Watching 50 minute multimedia presentation by Carl Kerby at the Seattle Creation Conference May 2014.
- Science and Humanism: The Bitter Fruits of Evolution 60 minute multimedia presentation by Bruce Barton followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church June 7th 2017.
- Truth, Lies and Science Education 60 minute multimedia presentation by Paul Taylor followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church, January 15th, 2015.
- War Of The Worldviews: Christianity vs. Naturalism 50 minute multimedia presentation by John Byl at the Seattle Creation Conference October 2010.
- What Am I Supposed to Believe: Science or the Bible - 60 minute multimedia presentation by Dr. Heinz Lycklama followed by Q&A during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church. March 4th 2020
- UFOs and the Bible 60 minute multimedia presentation by Phil Fernandes at the Seattle Creation Conference October 2009.
- Why America is Losing its Christian Heritage 48 minute video by Bruce Malone. The PowerPoint file used in this multimedia presentation is also available and may be viewed online or downloaded for personal use.
- Why There Must Be a Creator 60 minute multimedia presentation by Ray Rempt at the Seattle Creation Conference August 2006.
- Why We Must Defend Genesis - 80 minute multimedia presentation by Chris Ashcraft during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church April 12th 2017.
- Worldviews in Conflict 60 minute multimedia presentation by Chris Ashcraft at the Seattle Creation Conference May 2014.
- PowerPoint Files