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Old Earth Creationism

Old earth creationism is the belief in religious creationism that stays with the current scientific community's assessment of the Earth's age. The view is accepted by a large number of Christians. Some have made alternate interpretations of the scripture in keeping with the evolutionary time line. Most old earth creationists hold that the flood detailed in Genesis 6-8 was a local or regional flood.


Types of beliefs

There are three main schools of old-earth creation science thought:

  • Progressive creationism - also known as day-age creationism, is an attempt to harmonize the Bible with current scientific beliefs such as stellar evolution, and the fossil record. It assumes the days of the creation were actually broad lengths of time, and proposes that God separately created the various kinds of animals and later man, but over a long period of time. It also accepts the evolutionary time scale (simple to complex over millions of years) but has more input from God. Hugh Ross and the Reasons to Believe ministry teaches progressive creation. The illustration above is quite similar to a progressive-creationist timeline chart.
  • Gap theory creationism assumes that a vast period of time elapsed between the first two verses of Genesis. Most variations of this theory interpret Genesis 1:1 as the first creation, which included the creation of the heavens, the earth, plants and animals, and even a race of humans preceding Adam. Perhaps billions of years then elapsed, during which time Satan and his angels fell and corrupted the inhabitants of the earth. God then judged and destroyed the earth and all its inhabitants. Thus, the earth became "formless and void" (Genesis 1:2 ) and remained that way for eons. The second creation, according to the gap theory, began in Genesis 1:3 with the first day of the familiar six days of creation of the (re)creation week.


Main Article: Creationist groups




Old-Earth Organizations / Ministry Sites

Old Earth Creationism by CreationWiki

Northwest Creation Network
Age of the Earth and Cosmos: Creation Books and Videos

Adams' Chart of History
Big Book of History
The Chronology of the Old Testament
Cosmos: Created & Young!
Creation's Tiny Mystery
The Great Turning Point
Leonard's Biblical Chronological Chart
Leonard's Biblical Chronological Chart (bound version)
Millions of Years: Where Did the Idea Come From?
Newton's Revised History of Ancient Kingdoms
The Origin of Old-Earth Geology and Christian Compromise
Radioisotope Age Dating Set
Regular price: $52.80
Sale price: $42.24
Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth
Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth
Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth
Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth, Volume II
Refuting Compromise
Refuting Compromise
Rocks & Ages: Do They Hide Millions of Years?
Scientific Evidences For a Young Earth
The Six Days of Creation
Starlight and Time
Starlight and Time
Starlight, Time and the New Physics
Starlight, Time and the New Physics
Thousands. . . Not Billions
Thousands … Not Billions
Unformed and Unfilled
The Young Age of the Earth
The Young Earth
The Young Earth