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Creation Science Education


NWCN Educational Programs

Creation History with Chris Ashcraft
The NW Creation Network provides free educational programs, events and resources for Biblical apologetics. We offer a free online course, organize monthly programs, a periodic conference, as well as giving multimedia presentations and classes at Christian schools, Churches, Christian teacher's conventions, and regional creationist groups.
Creation History | Our Story
This free online course will provide an overview of the conflicts that exist between the teachings of “natural science” and the Bible. The goals of the class are 1) to confront the false teachings of naturalism that often impede or lead to a loss of faith and provide answers to these challenges, 2) to encourage students to trust in the Bible as authoritative on early Earth history and enable them to be a more effective witness for Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 3:15 (Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks).

The purpose of these programs is to strengthen faith against the false teachings of naturalistic science, and encourage the Church to trust in the Bible as authoritative on early Earth history. Seattle Creation ConferenceThey feature speakers, authors, and educators with diverse backgrounds in Biology, Geology, Astronomy, Archaeology, and Christian Apologetics who are dedicated to defending the Bible. .During these events the NWCN offers a wide assortment of books and videos on various creation apologetics subjects.

Online Educational Resources

Downloadable File Archives - We have compiled a large number of PowerPoint files, videos, and audios that may be downloaded and used to teach Biblical creation philosophy.

Collaborative Encyclopedia - Our CreationWiki: Encyclopedia of Creation Science is an excellent source of comprehensize information on apologetics.


| Audio Programs |
| Articles |
| Colleges Teaching Creation |
| Educational Events |
| Field Trips / Adventures |
| Free Online Books |
| Frequently Asked Questions |
| Children's Sites |
| Home-School Resources |
| Ministries and Organizations |
| Museums and Info Centers|
| News of Creation vs. Evolution |
| PowerPoint Files |
| Public School Issues |
| Quote Archive |
| Research Centers |
 | Speakers |
| Subjects |
| Trials and Bills |
| Video Programs |


  • Home-school study is without a doubt the principal method used by the majority of Christians for education in Biblical creation philosophy.
  • Events such as Church-held seminars and professional conferences are a popular method used to introduce creation science philosophy and learn of the latest findinds.
  • Christian schools and universities offer courses in sciences from the creation perspective. Some even offer degree programs in creation science.
  • Speakers creationist educators and scientists that can be called upon to give educational seminars or classes.
  • Groups - at the core of creation education are the ministries and organizations that serve the public through the production of events and resources.