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Cedar Park Church
and Evergreen Baptist

Free Online Books
- A Case For
Created Time By: James D. Dwyer
- A Comparative Study of the Flood Accounts in the Gilgamesh Epic and Genesis by Nozomi Osanai
- A Defense of
Creationism by Paul Abramson
- A Significant
Jubilee-Cycle By: James D. Dwyer
- About
'God Humanity and the Cosmos' by Christopher Southgate
- After the Flood:
by Bill Cooper. The early post-flood history of Europe traced back to
- Already Gone
by Ken Ham and Britt Beemer
- Arthur C. Custance
The Biblical Flood and the Ice Epoch by
Donald W. Patten
The Case
for the Existence of God by Bert
Thompson and Wayne Jackson
Colossians and Science: A Total Christ by
Walter Lang
Creation Answers Book by Dr Don Batten
(contributing editor), Dr David Catchpoole, Dr Jonathan Sarfati and Dr
Carl Wieland
The Creation Concept
by Douglas Cox
Creation / Evolution: Does if Matter What
We Believe by Mike Riddle
Creation: Facts of Life by Gary Parker
- Creation vs. Evolution
by Garth D. Wiebe (Download
as PDF) (Plain
- The Creation Explanation a scientific
alternative to evolution by Robert E. Kofahl & Kelly L. Segraves
Creation's Tiny Mystery
by Robert V. Gentry
The Darwin Papers
about the young Charles Darwin and how he wrote The Origin of Species
Darwin's Enigma by Luther Sutherland
Did God Use Evolution? by Werner Gitt
- The Explorers of
Ararat: And the Search for Noah's Ark - by B.J. Corbin
The Evolution Cruncher by Vance Ferrell
Evolution Deceit
by Harun Yahya.. Muslim
- Evolution
Exposed: Biology by Roger Patterson
Exposed: Earth Science
by Roger Patterson
Evolution of Man Scientifically Disproved
by Bill Cooper
- Evolution: Possible or
Impossible? by Dr. James F. Coppedge
- Eye Design
by Curt Deckert, PhD
Faith and Reason 240K PDF by
Dick Sztanyo
- Fish out of Water by Abby Nye
- Folk-Lore in the Old Testament by Sir
James George Frazer
Frozen in Time: The Woolly Mammoth, the Ice Age, and the Bible by Michael Oard
Genesis and Science by Rev.
Walter Lang
Genesis and the Origin of Coal and Oil
240K PDF by Trevor Major
by Thomas F. Heinze
- The
Global Flood of Noah by Bert Thompson PhD
The Great Dinosaur Mistake by Kelly
- The Great Turning Point by Terry Mortenson
- Handy
Dandy Evolution Refuter by Robert E.
- Harun Yahya
Muslim perspectives on intelligent design, and deceptions in
evolutionary teachings.
- How Could a Loving God . . . ? by Ken Ham
- How Could
Evolution Take Place? by Thomas F. Heinze
- How science correlates
to Christianity, atheistic scientism, and New Age mysticism
by Physicist Prof. Vladislav S. Olkhovsky
- How the
Universe Began by Thomas F. Heinze
Life Began by Thomas F. Heinze
- In Six Days: Why 50 Scientists Choose
to Believe in Creation Edited by Dr John Ashton
In the Beginning:
Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood
- Dr. Walter Brown
- In the Beginning Was Information by Werner Gitt
the Minds of Men: Darwin and the New World Order
by Ian Taylor
In the
Shadow of Darwin-A Review of the Teachings of John N. Clayton
660K PDF by Bert Thompson and Wayne Jackson
- Intelligent
Design in Public School Science Curricula: A Legal Guidebook: Dewolf, Meyer, and DeForrest
- Is the Bible the Word of
God? by Eric V. Snow
- Is There a Case
for Created Time by James D. Dwyer
- It's a Young
World After All by Dr. Paul D. Ackerman
Jesus Christ Creator
by the Parent Company
and Science (Specific Chapters) by Walter
- The Lie: Evolution by Ken Ham
The Mystery of Life's
Origin by Charles B. Thaxton, Walter L.
Bradley, Roger L. Olsen
- The New Answers
Book by 15 authors including Ken Ham, Dr. David Menton, Dr. Georgia
Purdom, Dr. Tommy Mitchell, Dr. Jason Lisle, Dr. Terry Mortenson, Dr.
Monty White, and Paul Taylor.
The New Answers
Book 2 by 20 authors including Ken Ham, Dr. David Menton, Dr. Georgia Purdom, Dr. Tommy Mitchell, Dr. Jason Lisle, Dr. Terry Mortenson, Dr. Monty White, and Paul Taylor.
- Old-Earth Creationism on Trial by
Tim Chaffey
One Race One Blood
by Ken Ham and Charles Ware
- On the Great Flood of Noah
by Lambert Dolphin
- One
Blood: The biblical answer to racism by by
Ken Ham, Dr Don Batten and Dr Carl Wieland
The Origin and Evolution of Life
on Earth by Stu Pullen
- The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan
The Predicament of Evolution by George
McCready Price
- Proof of
Evolution Examined by Thomas F. Heinze
Problems of
Evolution by Stephen E. Jones
Puddle to Paradise by B.H. Shadduck
Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth, Volume II
Edited by Larry
Vardiman, Andrew Snelling, and Eugene Chaffin.
Raising Godly Children in an Ungodly World by Ken Ham
Refuting Evolution by Jonathan Sarfati
Refuting Evolution 2 by Jonathan Sarfati
The Revolution Against
Evolution by Douglas B. Sharp
- Robert A. Herrmann
- Ultralogics and
More 1999 The mos significant
scientific work of Herrman's professional career
- Einstein Corrected
1997 Corrections based upon newly discovered rules for rigorous
infinitesimal modeling.
- Nonstandard
Analysis 2003 The mathematics used to
establish formally the results in General Intelligent Design theory
- Science Declares
Our Universe IS Intelligently Designed
Description only
Your Endangered Mind:
The Great Scientific Deception
Scientific Evidence that God Created Life
by Thomas F. Heinze
- Scientific Facts & Evolution 3 Volume set
Search For Noah's Ark by Kelly Segraves
Spading Up Ancient Words by
Dr. Erich von Fange
- The
Significance of Seventy-Years James D.
- Taking Back Astronomy by Jason Lisle
- The Way
It Was by Kelly Segraves
- The World's
Greatest Creation Scientists by David
Travels of Noah into Europe
by Mike Gascoigne
Decades of Creationism (1963-1983) by
Walter and Valeria Lang
Unmasking Evolution
by Laurence D. Smart
Unwrapping the Pharaohs by
John Ashton and David Down
Where Did Life Come
by Thomas F. Heinze
- Why Won’t They Listen? by Ken Ham