Creation Science Museums and Learning Centers
Biblical creation science museums can be found all over the world with a high concentration in the USA. The largest facility to date is the Creation Museum by Answers in Genesis ministry near Cincinnati Ohio (seen at right).
Physical Facilities
- 7 Wonders Museum Mount St. Helens, Silver Lake WA , USA
- ACCES Museum / Creation Orlando! - Winter Park, Florida
- Akron Fossils and Science Center Akron, Ohio, USA
- Big Valley Creation Science Museum Big Valley, Alberta Canada, USA
- Boneyard Creation Museum - Broken Bow, Nebraska
- Creation Adventures Museum Arcadia, Florida, USA
Creation and Earth History Museum
Santee, California, USA
(Life and Light Foundation / formerly by ICR)
- Creation Discovery Museum Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA
- Creation Evidence Museum - Glen Rose, Texas, USA.
- Creation Museum and Family Discovery Center Petersburg, Kentucky, USA (Answers in Genesis)
- Creation Science Centre Ontario, Canada.
- Discovery Center Abilene, Texas, USA
- The Dinosaur Encounter Brigton, Maine
- Genesis Expo Portsmouth Harbor, UK (Creation Science Movement)
- Glendive Dinosaur and Fossil Museum Glendive, Montana, USA
- Grand River Museum Lemmon, South Dakota
- Heart of America Science Resource Center Haviland, Kansas
- Jurassic Ark: Outdoor Creation Museum Australia
- Mt Blanco Fossil Museum Lubbock, Texas USA
- Museum of Earth History Dallas, Texas USA.
- Northwest Science Museum Nampa, Idaho USA
- Northwest Treasures Mountlake Terrace, WA
- The Susquehanna Valley Biblical Creation Center Watsontown, Pennsylvania
- Wyatt Museum Cornersville, Tennessee, USA (Wyatt Archeological Research Inc;)
Related pages:
- Creation Museum page on the Creation Wiki
- Creation Field Trips
Virtual Educational Facilities

- Creation Evidences Museum Glen Rose TX. Step inside the Museum or take a stroll along the Paluxy River where huge dinosaurs once walked! Requires iPIX plugin to view 360 degree images.
- Creation and Earth History Museum
- Creation Museum by Answers in Genesis
- Tour of Natural History Museummby the Creation Science Fellowship of New Mexicoo
- The Ark Virtual Museum by The ARK Foundationn (LInks only)
- Evidence Web Museum by Creation Researchh