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Cedar Park Church
and Evergreen Baptist

Homeschool or Christian School Studies in Creation Science
Preschool - Adult Resources
Academy - a 13 lesson "apologetics power pack," where you will
discover why it is vital to provide answers to skeptics and how to give
those answers with a solid understanding of what the Bible says about
biology, geology, and astronomy.
of Christian Schools International
Bio 100 Principles of Biology course at Cedarville University is taught
by John E. Silvius who also authors the biology
textbook used.
Curriculum Old and New Testament downloadable curriculm. PDF format lessons for
pre/grade-school with quizzes, puzzles, coloring, etc.
Celebrate Creation Curriculum
(video series) - ChristianAnswers.Net
Children's Sermons
More than 100 short children's lesson
Free lesson plans for children complete with handouts
- Christian Evidences Study Course
by Bert Thompson and Kyle Butt and the Apologetics
Press. Three separate courses that are free and
available as a series of PDF files; an introductory, intermediate and
advanced-level course designed to be taken in sequence.
- Creation
Curriculum at the Creation Science Store
Creation Exploration
- Kid's lessons by the Creation Evidences Museum
- Creation
/ Evolution; Does it Matter What We Believe? - This 170 page manual is designed as a ten session
course appropriate for 9th grade through adult levels. This study
guide is perfect for a Sunday school or home school course, and
available as
a PDF download from the Creation Science Resource.
- Creation Science
Powerpoint Presentations - Numerous
professional presentations suitable for lesson material or formal
seminars. Most are prepared in MS Powerpoint format and available
for viewing online and/or download.
School Online with Andy Carmichael
Course series available free online or as PDF files
- Creation Science Series of Study Guides
for Homeschoolers by Media Angels. A complete science curriculum
from a creationist view point using a comprehensive science education
program that covers all grades levels, K-3, 4-8, and 9-12.
Discover Creation Curriculum curriculum package by the Alpha Omega
- Download Free Study Guides
for many popular creation books by Master Books
Education by the Answers in Genesis Minstries
Evolution 101 - by
Dr. Jolly F. Griggs. 25 lessons free to download and distribute.
Free Nationwide Assistance for Public School Teachers - Creation videos,
lessons, and books
all begins with GenesisLearning to think Biblically about
the world Curriculum set by AIG
with 34 information-packed and Biblically sound lessons covering
Genesis 1-11, this curriculum is ideal for use with ages 10-14
- - Learning Zone Homeschool Lessons
My Teaching Aids for "Unmasking Evolution" by Laurence D. Smart
Old Testament Stories MSSS Crafts and
Resources for Bible Stories
Resource Association Sunday school and Bible
college materials.
Plan lessons and Activities (Teacher Area) by Creation vs. Evolution II - discussion/debate
site by teens, for teens
- Resources by The Parent Company
A Science Kit About Science by
The Parent Company includes the Parent Guide, Student Guide, Test, Test
A Science Kit About Design
by the Parent Company includes the Parent Guide, Student Guide, Test, Test Answers.
Little Talkers
excellent set of Bible stories by Kelly Segraves, which include
video/audio files, coloring book, study guide and quiz.
Teaching Helps by
Teaching Resources for Parents and Teachers - Great Resources for Teaching about Dinosaurs
Teacher's Resource Center by Creation Safaris
Ultimate Homeschool Expo Fort Myers, Florida
Trinity Schoool Free Christian Apologetics Online Courses