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News Archive
Universe is Not Expanding After All, Scientists Say New
evidence was based on detailed measurements of the size
and brightness of hundreds of galaxies by a team of
astrophysicists Lawrenceville Plasma Physics. Sci-News.com,
May 23, 2014.
College Clashes over Adam and Eve Statement Bryan
College takes a stand for Biblical history, and receives
a backlash from some of its faculty, who apparently
trust more in man's word. ICR
News, May 23, 2014.
Rare Diamond Confirms That Earth's Mantle Holds an
Ocean's Worth of Water Subterranean
waters that have been long-held as the source of the
global flood have been confirmed by recent research. Scientific
American, March 12, 2014.
Bryan College losing nearly 25% of faculty after 'Adam
and Eve' controversy Conflict
erupted when trustees clarified the school's statement
of belief to state that Adam and Eve were historical
people who were not created from previously existing
life forms. Times
News, May 4th, 2014.
Malthus Misled Darwin Who Misled the World It’s
rare to see a science article say “Darwin was wrong,”
but Live Science reluctantly admitted that a key idea
Darwin proposed in The Origin in 1859 is the opposite of
the way nature actually works. Creation
Evolution Headlines, April 30, 2014.
Museum Models of Walking Whales Don’t Match Fossils Says
Filmmaker Dr. Carl Werner Werner
has checked out the claims, interviewing the researchers
who published, and has discovered that none of these
fossils holds up as transitional to whales. Evolution:
The Grand Experiment, April 4, 2014.
Noah's Ark Would Have Floated University
of Leicester physics students show Noah’s Ark would have
stayed afloat with two each of 35,000 species of
animals.news.com.au, April 4, 2014.
'Chicken From Hell' Was a Fowl-Looking Dinosaur The
beaked dinosaur, Anzu wyliei, is described in the latest
issue of the journal PLoS ONE. The dino was tall,
measured 11.5 feet long, weighed 500 pounds and had very
sharp claws. Discovery
News March
20, 2014.
Imaginary Feathers Found on American Dinosaur Once
again, imaginary feathers have been discovered on a
“bird-like” dinosaur, this time from the Dakotas. Creation
Evolution Headlines, March 19, 2014.
Has Cosmic Inflation Been Discovered? Claims
of a major breakthrough about the big bang are swirling
in the news: is it inflation, or inflating the evidence? Creation
Evolution Headlines, March 17, 2014.
Brazilian diamond hints at vast water reserve deep
inside Earth Diamond
found in Brazil is yielding new information about the
composition of our planet.Reuters March
13, 2014.
Uncovered in Jerusalem, 9 tiny unopened Dead Sea Scrolls Researcher
finds tantalizing tefillin parchments from Second Temple
era, overlooked for decades and unread for 2,000 years. The
Times of Israel, March 12, 2014.
Legislators Demand Answers about Intelligent Design Ban
at Ball State University Evolution
News & Views, March 11, 2014.
The attack on biblical creation in UK schools continuesCreation
Ministries International, March 9, 2014.
Ken Ham confirms: the Ark Encounter project will go
ahead on schedule. The
project has completed its funding thanks to God's grace
and will break ground in May. Ark
Encounter YouTube, February 27th, 2014.
In the Canadian Rockies, a Major Fossil Find Intensifies
the Object of Darwin's Doubt Sudden
appearance of complex body plans mystified scientists in
Darwin's day, and continues to pose a severe challenge. Evolution
News & Views, February 13, 2014.
Bill Nye Scores on Debate Presentation if Not Logic Nye
characterized the debate as “the world” against Ken Ham,
“the scientific community” and “billions of religious
people” against this one man’s narrow literal
interpretation of an ancient book. Creation
Evolution Headlines, January 5, 2014.
Ken Ham and Dr. Georgia Purdom discuss the debate in
'Post Debate Answers. You're encouraged to watch!Post
Debate Answers with Ken Ham and Dr. Georgia Purdom,
February 5th, 2014.
The Ham-Nye Creation Debate: A Huge Missed Opportunity While
Ham did make a few effective points that you don't have
to accept evolution to do good science, the compelling
scientific evidence for design in nature got skipped
over. Evolution
News & Views, February 5th, 2014.
Does a “Recently Deciphered 4,000-Year-Old Tablet”
Discredit the Genesis Account of Noah's Ark? Tablet
that corroborates the biblical record is used by
skeptics to attack the biblical accounts. Answers
in Genesis, January 27, 2014.
Ceres water find vindicates creation. And more
particularly the Hydroplate Theory of the Global Flood.Creationism
Examiner, January
25, 2014
Ancient tablet reveals new details about Noah's Ark
prototype Author
claims old clay tablet from ancient Mesopotamia was the
original source of the Flood story found in the Bible. Fox
News, January 24, 2014.
Virginia House Bill 207 will
ask local school boards and teachers to help students to
understand flaws in scientific theories such as
evolution. Virginia
House of Representatives, January 8, 2014.
Another Notable Explosion: Has Darwin's "Abominable
Mystery," the Origin of Flowering Plants, Been Solved?Much
like the Cambrian explosion of invertebrates, the rapid
rise and early diversification of flowering plants in
the fossil record is now also supported by genomic
studies - or is it? Evolution
News & Views, January 2, 2014.
Two Genetic Codes Are Better Than One An
“overlapping language” has been found in the genetic
code. Creation
Evolution Headlines, December 30, 2013.
One-Third of Americans Reject Evolution, Poll ShowsNotably
fewer Republican now believe that humans have evolved
over time. Reuters,
December 30, 2013.
1968: Moon view gives special gift CNN
airs the 1968 Christmas eve broadcast of the Apollo 8
crew reading from Genesis 1. CNN
Newsroom, December 24, 2013.
‘Flying Spaghetti Monster’ earns Wisconsin dubious award The
Becket Fund for Religious Liberty named the Wisconsin
Department of Administration the 2013 Ebenezer Award
recipient for its display in the Wisconsin Capitol
building. World
Magazine, December 24, 2013.
Algae to Crude Oil: Million-Year Natural Process Takes
Minutes in the Lab With
the use of heat and pressure biotechnologists are
converting a wet algae slurry into oil, a process likely
similar to how oil formed rapidly during the global
deluge. Science
Daily, December 18, 2013.
Talk to the Animals? Yeah, Right More
evidence continues to grow that illustrate the gap
between humans and animals. Evolution
News & Views, December 17, 2013.
Baffling 400,000-Year-Old Clue to Human OriginsScientists
have found the oldest DNA evidence yet of humans’
biological history adding new mysteries. The
NY Times December
4, 2013.
‘Less Than 1 in 479 Million’: Mathematician Calculates
Impossibility of Contriving Creation Account Author
concludes that Bible is not a book of mythical stories
of made up people fighting made up enemies, but a
factual history confirmed by archaeological evidence at
least as far back as archaeology has been able to take
it. Christian
News Network, November 18, 2013
LA Times bans letters from climate skeptics Ban
on discourse stirred outrage among scientists. Fox
News, October 18, 2013.
Did the human family tree just get simpler? Skull stirs
up debate Researchers
conclude that specimens which supposedly represent
several early human species might be merely
different-sized individuals from the same species. NBC
News, October 17, 2013.
The Venus Flytrap, an Improbable Wonder that Baffled
Darwin Venus
flytrap challenges the ability of blind, unguided
natural processes to design optimized, efficient,
coordinated, elegant systems as seen in the carnivorous
plant. Evolution
News & Views, October 14, 2013.
The Origin of Avian Flight: Comparing Explanations from
Darwinism and Intelligent Design Flight
makes a case for intelligent design, but Darwinian
evolutionists have not been without their own
explanations. Evolution
News & Views, October 1, 2013.
Climate change report's 'temperature hiatus' fuels
skeptics Latest
IPCC report affirms science of global warming but at
pains to explain 15-year warming plateau.CBCNews,
Sep 26, 2013.
How to Solve the Cambrian Explosion: Turn Up the
Evolutionary Speed Dial Media
trumpets paper's assertions as the answer to all the
critics, the scientific "findings" to finally rescue
Darwin from his dilemma.Evolution News and Views,
September 20, 2013.
'Living Gears' Might Have Evolutionists Hopping MadNew
discovery in planthoppers clearly indicate a meticulous
and intentional design. ICR
News, September 23, 2013.
Scientists Very Very Confident They've Found
Extraterrestrial Life - See What It Looks LikeResearchers
sent a scientific balloon into the stratosphere which
collected small organisms they believe are not from
Earth. The
Blaze, September 19, 2013.
This Insect Jumps Using Built-In Gears Issus
coeleoptratus‘s gears work similarly to their
human-designed counterparts. NovaNext,
September 13 2013.
Creationist row: Headteachers removed from schoolIncident
sparked by the appointment of a school chaplain from the
Church of Christ who presented creationist material to
students. The
Scotsman, September 13 2013.
On the Origin of the Controversy Over Biological
Information: New Perspectives Darwin
Lobby Mounts a Campaign to Scuttle Book - an attempt at
censorship that ultimately failed. Evolution
News and Views, August 19, 2013.
Scientists ‘freeze’ light for an entire minute Research
shows that light can be slowed down and even halted
altogether.i09, July 26, 2013.
Scientists Explore The Pure Geometry Inside Our Cells A
new study has mapped the geometry of one of the cell’s
key components: the endoplasmic reticulum. Forbes,
July 24, 2013.
Groundbreaking Genetic Discoveries Challenge Ape to
Human Evolutionary Theory Research
shows that that the differences between humans and apes
cannot be easily accounted for under the theory of
evolution.Christian News Network, June 17, 2013.
Evolutionists Strategize to Fight Creation Nature’s
editorial for May 15, “Science in schools,” took aim at
creationists on the occasion of Eugenie Scott’s
retirement.Creation Evolution Headlines, June 6,