Human Evolution Links
- A Scientific and Biblical Response to "Up from the Apes. Remarkable New Evidence Is Filling in the Story of How We Became Human" A comprehensive response to the Time article of August 23, 1999 by Fazale Rana, Ph.D., Richard Deem, MS, and Hugh Ross, Ph.D.
- An Objective Ancestry Test for Fossil Bones by Joseph Mastropaolo
- Anatomical Reconstruction is Not Science! by Time-Life Books
- Ancient Man by the Creation-Evolution Encyclopedia
- Buried Alive- The Truth About Neanderthal Man (Part 1) RealAudio Interview with Jack Cuozzo
- Buried Alive- The Truth About Neanderthal Man (Part 2) RealAudio Interview with Jack Cuozzo
- Boxgrove Man - Britain's "Oldest" Man by the Biblical Creation Society
- Can a chimp become a stone-age man- by the Biblical Creation Society
- Descent of Man Theory: Disproven by Molecular Biology by GodandScience.Org
- Early man by Dr Luke Randall
- Fossil Men and Alleged Human Ancestors - Article by the Creation Explanation
- From monkey to man problems encountered in the hypothesis that states humans evolved from ape-like creatures. By Craig M. McClarren
- Hominid Species Examination of various supposed ancestors by Craig McClarren
- Human Evolution Frauds and Mistakes by Chris Ashcraft
- Human Fossils: "Just So" Stories of Apes and Humans - by Dr. Ray Bohlin.
- Is there fossil evidence of 'missing links' between humans and apes? by Marvin Lubenow
- Krogman, The Croc - A New Species of Primeval Man? by ChristianAnswers.Net
- Lucy's Knee Joint Revisited by David Buckna
- Making Monkeys Out of Man by David Menton
- Man, Created in the Image of God: How Man is Unique Among All Other Creatures on Earth by
- "Mrs Pless, the great-great granny who may not be"
- Man, Created in the Image of God- How Man is Unique Among All Other Creatures on Earth by God and Science.Org
- Mysterious origins of man NBC broadcast
- Neanderthal DNA by David Plaisted
- Origin of Mankind by Gary Parker IMPACT No. 101 November 1981
- Recovery of Neandertal mtDNA: An Evaluation by Marvin Lubenow, Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal 12(1):87–98, 1998
- Origin of man by Dr Luke Randall (C. Biol., M.I. Biol. M.Sc., Ph.D)
- Problems with Lucy and Skull 1470 by David Plaisted
- Shared Errors in the DNA of Humans and Apes How Non-Functional DNA Testifies Against Evolution by David Plaisted
- The Ape-Human Connection by David Plaisted
- The "Ape-men" fallacy by Malcolm Bowden
- The Ape-men from "Creation vs. Evolution" by Garth D. Wieb
- The Newest Skull, by Cliff Llillo
- The non-transitions in ‘human evolution’ — on evolutionists’ terms by John Woodmorappe Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal 13(3):10–13, 1999
- The Rise and Fall of Skull KNM-ER 1470 by A.W. Mehlert
- The Scientific Evidence For the Origin of Man by David Menton
- Tracing Mother Eve Using Mitochondrial DNA - Mother Eve in a dispute with Ape-Man by the Biblical Creation Society
- Where are all the human fossils by Answers in Genesis
- Where are all the human fossils? by
- Who's who and what's what in the world of "missing"
Anthropology / Human Evolution News
- Groundbreaking Genetic Discoveries Challenge Ape to Human Evolutionary Theory Research shows that that the differences between humans and apes cannot be easily accounted for under the theory of evolution. Christian News Network, June 17, 2013.
- Eight Spears found in German Coal Mine The earliest direct evidence of tools shows every indication of human-like expertise in manufacturing. ICR Daily Science Updates, October 8, 2012.
- New African Fossil Confirms Early Human Variations Three new human-like fossils from Africa have given evolutionists another opportunity to reiterate their confusing philosophy, but the data don't match their story very well. ICR Daily Science Updates, August 13, 2012.
- A. sediba: Another Human "Ancestor" Bites the Dust Bark Nature reports that the creatures had a very notable characteristic in common with chimps, not humans. Evolution News and Views, June 29, 2012.
- Neanderthals smarter than previously believed New dating method shows famous paintings were created at the time of the cavemen, not Homo sapiens. The Vancouver Sun, June 15, 2012.
- Neanderthal-Heidelberg Distinction Blurs “Heidelberg Man” fossils appear to overlap with Neanderthals. Creation Evolution Headlines, June 14, 2012.
- New Hominid Species Not A Missing Link, Scientists Say Doubt over claims that we descended from new species and disagreement about how close a cousin it was. Inside Science News Service Apr 8, 2010.
- "Key" Human Ancestor Found: Fossils Link Apes, First Humans? Australopithecus sediba had human-like face and could walk well upright but was apelike in other ways. National Geographic News, April 8, 2010.
- Fossil Skeletons May Be Human Ancestor Newly discovered australopithecine discovered in a cave in Africa. LiveScience, April 8 2010.
- Man's earliest direct ancestors looked more apelike than previously believed "Dr. Leakey produced a biased reconstruction based on erroneous preconceived expectations of early human appearance that violated principles of craniofacial development." EurekAlert, March 24, 2007
- Earliest hominid: Not a hominid at all? The earliest known hominid fossil, which dates to about 7 million years ago, is actually some kind of ape, according to an international team of researchers led by the University of Michigan. The finding, they say, suggests scientists should rethink whether we actually descended from apes resembling chimpanzees, which are considered our closest relatives. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. June 19, 2006
- Evidence that human brain evolution was a special event Howard Hughes Medical Institute, December 28, 2004.
- The evolution and development of cranial form in Homo sapiens - "Despite much data, there is no unanimity over how to define Homo sapiens in the fossil record." PNAS, January 22, 2002 (Bold emphasis added)
- Earliest hominid: Not a hominid at all? The earliest known hominid fossil, which dates to about 7 million years ago, is actually some kind of ape, according to an international team of researchers led by the University of Michigan. The finding, they say, suggests scientists should rethink whether we actually descended from apes resembling chimpanzees, which are considered our closest relatives. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. June 19, 2006
- Fossil Reanalysis Pushes Back Origin of Homo sapiens A new analysis of human remains first discovered in 1967 suggests that they are in fact much older than previously believed. Scientific American 2/23/05
- Anthropologist resigns in 'dating disaster' - Panel says professor of human origins made up data, plagiarized works. WorldNetDaily February 19, 2005
- Chimp chromosome creates puzzles - First sequence is unexpectedly different from human equivalent. Nature May 2004
- Chimps are not like humans - Whole-chromosome comparison reveals much greater genetic differences than expected. The Scientist 527/04
- Early man had mining in mind Flint analysis sheds light on our ancestors' digging skills. Nature 5/23/04
- DNA testing refutes Neanderthal ancestry 3/16/04
- Fossil Skulls Offer First Glimpse of Early Human Faces By JOHN NOBLE WILFORD NYTimes 6/11/03
- Neanderthals Made High-Tech glue - Discovery Channel 1/16/02
- Design Watch - Anthropology and Fossils News Archive