Dinosaur Links
Dinosaur Resources from the Creation Perspective
- Are dinosaur fossils evidence for the great Flood? (Article)
- Chicxulub and the Demise of the Dinosaurs by Don B. DeYoung ICR Impact 334
- Creation, Dinosaurs and thE Flood Books & Fossil Replicas
- Demise of the 'Birds are Dinosaurs' Theory by GodandScience.Org
- Did Birds Evolve from Dinosaurs? by David Buckna
- Dinosaur Adventure Land Pensacola Florida
- Dinosaur Bones: Just How Old Are They Really? by Carl Wieland
- Dinosaur Breath : The Flood and Dinosaur Extinction by David M. Harris
- Dinosaur Extinction - Compelling New Theory
- Dinosaurs Facts vs. Imagination by Project Creation
- Dinosaur Page by Creation Science Institute
- Dinosaur questions and answers by ChristianAnswers.Net
- Dinosaur Questions and Answers by Answers in Genesis
- Dinosaurs by Dr Luke Randall (C. Biol., M.I. Biol. M.Sc., Ph.D)
- Dinosaurs & People by Project Creation
- Dinosaurs and Evolution - Jeff Poling with David Buckna (Online Book)
- Dinosaurs and the Bible Online Video by Kent Hovind
- Dinosaurs, Creation, and Evolution by Vance Nelson
- Dinosaurs - The Biblical and Scientific Case For and About Them The ARK Foundation Virtual Museum
- How did Dinosaur Bones Turn Into Fossils? by John Woodmorappe
- "Jehovah's Park" slide preview of the video by Australian paleontologist John Mackay
- On the Alleged Dinosaurian Ancestry of Birds by Ashby Camp
- Reappraising the Crown Jewel evidence for the alleged reptile-to-mammal transition is much weaker than evolutionists would have one believe.
- "The Death of the Dinosaur" by Roger Oakland : Article & Video
- "The Great Dinosaur Mistake" by Kelly L. Segraves (Online Book)
- The Great Dinosaur Mystery - by Christian Answers Net. The world's largest and most exciting dinosaur site based on the book and video by Paul S. Taylor
- The Extinction of the Dinosaurs by Michael J. Oard, Journal of Creation 11(2):137–154. August 1, 1997
- Turnage-patton-trail One of the longest dinosaur trails in the world excavated by creationist Don Patton
- TrueAuthority.com - The Site of Scientific Authority Cryptozoology
- Why the Dinosaurs Died Out by
- World's Biggest Dinosaurs new creation mission based in Cabazon, CA where the largest dinosaur replicas in the world reside.
Dinosaur News
It has been reported in Science Vol 307, Issue 5717 that well-preserved soft tissues have been found deep within the bones of a T. rex. The Picture at right shows a strap of soft tissue tissue from the marrow cavity of the T. rex femur, which was reported to be flexible and resilient and, when stretched (arrow), returns to its original shape
- PharyngulaTyrannosaur morsels 3/24/05 Pharyngula
- Scientists Find Soft Tissue in T-Rex Bone Reuters 3/24/05
- Scientists Recover Tissue From T. Rex Burlington Free Press 3/25/05
- Still Soft and Stretchy Dinosaur soft tissue find—a stunning rebuttal of millions of years. by Carl Wieland. Answers in Genesis 3/25/05
- Dung Reveals Dinosaurs Ate Grass LiveScience. November 17, 2005.
- T. Rex Soft Tissue Found Preserved A Tyrannosaurus rex fossil has yielded what appear to be the only preserved soft tissues ever recovered from a dinosaur. National Geographic News March 24, 2005
- Soft-Tissue Vessels and Cellular Preservation in Tyrannosaurus rex by Mary H. Schweitzer, Jennifer L. Wittmeyer, John R. Horner, Jan K. Toporski. Science Vol. 307. no. 5717, pp. 1952 - 1955. March 25, 2005.
- Dinosaur Fossil Found in Mammal's Stomach Scientists have identified the fossilized remains of a tiny dinosaur in the stomach of a mammal. January 12, 2005
- Scientists discover 66-million-year-old dinosaur with a heart In 1993, researchers discovered a Thescelosaurus specimen with a fossilized heart. According to paleontologist Dale Russell of North Carolina State University, the find challenged some of the most fundamental beliefs on how and when dinosaurs evolved. April 19, 2000
- Dinosaur Fossil Found in Mammal's Stomach Scientists have identified the fossilized remains of a tiny dinosaur in the stomach of a mammal. January 12, 2005
- Birds Flew Earlier Than Previously Thought, Scientists Say Scientists have determined that Archaeopteryx had what it took to fly. NYTimes 8/4/04
- Perfect pterosaur found in fossil egg - Find sheds light on prehistoric flying reptiles Nature 6/20/04
- Baby Pterosaur Reveals Egg-Laying Discovery Channel News 6/9/04
- New dino 'links major landmasses' BBC News 6/2/04
- Newly Found Dinosaur Of The Montana Coastline 5/12/04
- What really happened to the dinosaurs - CNN.com Mar. 2, 2004
- Fossil boosts trees-down start for flight Nature Science Update 6/13/03\
'Modern' feathers on a non-avian dinosaur - Nature 416: 36-37 2002
- Dinosaur reveals fully formed feathers - New Scientist
- Dinosaur fossil may be link to modern birds - CNN.com
- Modern feathers found on Chinese dino - BBC News
- Smithsonian criticizes National Geographics Dino-to-Bird Claims revealing the lack of consensus on the matter among scientists, despite National Geographics sensationalistic propagandizing.