Creation PowerPoint Presentations
The following files are creation science
and Biblical apologetics seminars
created in Microsoft PowerPoint that can be downloaded and used freely for
teaching purposes. A compressed ZIP file is also available for many,
which includes the embedded videos and other ancillary files.
| Creation Science PowerPoint Backgrounds |
Biblical Creation Presentations
Chris Ashcraft...(Read Descriptions)
- Always Be Prepared to Give an Answer
- Amazing Animal Designs: God's Technological Marvels
- Age of Creation: The Biblical Model
- Biblical Apologetics: Defending Belief in the Bible
- Biblical Archaeology: Defending the History in God's Word
- Big Bang Cosmology vs. Creation: Are They Compatible?
- Creation Astronomy
- Creation Missions
- Defending Genesis: So They Believe When We Speak of Heavenly Things
- Evolution: What Darwin Didn't Know
- The False Teachings and Frauds That Convinced the World of a Terrible Lie - Evolution
- Genesis: Fables or Foundation of Our Faith?
- Geology and the Biblical Flood
- Geologic Bias and the Witness of Fossils
- The Heavens Declare
- Love Your God With All Your Mind
- The Origin of Life: Creation or Cosmic Chance?
- Mount St. Helens: An Explosion That Rocked the Worldviews
- The Myths and True History of Dinosaurs
- New Testament Archaeology
- Old Testament Archaeology Part 1 - The Bible and Ancient History Unite
- Old Testament Archaeology Part 2 - Synchronizing Biblical and Egyptian History
- Planet of the Apes?
- The Solar System: Wonderfully Designed for Us
- UFOs and the Alien Deception
- The Witness of Fossils: Evolution or the Flood?
- Wonderfully Made: The Incredible Design of the Human Body
- Wonders of the Microscopic World
- The Wonders of Creation Reveal God's Glory
- Worldviews in Conflict
Mike Riddle....(Download all Riddle PowerPoint files - 1.3 GB zip file) Updated June 2014 and inludes many more than those listed below.
- Aliens, UFOs and the Bible
- The Bible and the Big Bang
- Can You Defend What You Believe?
- Carbon-14 Dating
- Creation / Evolution: Does it Matter What we Believe?
- Dating Methods and the Age of the Earth
- Creation, Cloning, and Life
- Creation to the Cross
- Critical Thinking in Science
- Dating Fossils and Rocks
- Dinosaurs and Biblical Truth
- Dinosaurs to Kids
- Examining Our Foundations
- Evidence That Demands a Creator
- The Fossil Record
- Foundations in Genesis
- The Genesis Flood: An Approach Based on Logic and Evidence
- God's Amazing Creation
- The Making of Mankind
- One Race
- The Origin of Humans: Evolution or Made in God's Image
- The Origin of Life
- The Seven C's of History
- The Six Days of Creation
Thomas Kindell (Download all Kindell PowerPoint files 491MB ZIP file)
- Is There A Monkey In Your Family Tree? (Download File 29.5 MB)
- The Great Dinosaur Deception-Exposed! (Download File 76.6 MB)
- Can the Bible Explain the Origin of the Different “Races?” (Download File 11.8 MB)
- Answering Skeptics Questions About Genesis (Download File 28.4 MB)
- “Out-of-Place” Fossils and Artifacts (Download File 23.4 MB)
- Worldwide Geologic Evidence of the Genesis Flood (Download File 44.7 MB)
- Scriptural Arguments for a Young Earth (Download File 15.3 MB)
- Scientific Evidences for a Young Earth (Download File 36.0 MB)
- A Critique of Textbook Arguments for Evolution (Download File 11.4 MB / part 2 14.5 MB)
- Irrefutable Examples of Design in Nature (Download File 17.4 MB)
- Irrefutable Examples of Design in Nature - The Bees (Download File 8.9 MB)
- Irrefutable Examples of Design in Nature - The Birds (Download File 12.8 MB)
- Thermodynamic Arguments for Creation (Download File 4.8 MB)
- The Witness of the Fossils (Download File 44.7 MB)
- Evolution and the UFO Connection (Download File 25.4 MB)
John Morris (Download all Morris PowerPoint files 321MB ZIP file)
- Age of the Earth: Its a Young Earth After All
- The Fossil Record: A Problem for Evolution
- Standing on Evidence from Mount St. Helens
- Thousands... Not Billions 2005 RATE Group report.
- The Big Freeze Global flood model of the Ice Age.
Heinz Lycklama (Download All Lycklama PowerPoint files - (20.2MB ZIP file). )
- Archaeology and the Biblical Record - (archaeology.ppt)
- Compromising Theories - (compromises.ppt)
- The Evidence for a Global Flood - (flood.ppt)
- Evidence for a Young World - (young.ppt)
- God’s Incredible Creatures - (creatures.ppt)
- How Then Should We As Christians Respond? - (response.ppt)
- Icons of Evolution - (ten-icons.ppt)
- Intelligent Design - (design.ppt)
- Is the Bible Reliable Scientifically? - (bibrel.ppt)
- What Does the Bible Say About Creation? - (bibcreat.ppt)
- What Does Science Science Say About Creation? Part 1: Life Sciences - (scicreat.ppt)
- What Does Science Science Say About Creation? Part 2: Astronomy and Physical Sciences - (scicreat2.ppt)
- What Does Science Science Say About Creation? Part 3: Earth Sciences - (scicreat3.ppt)
- What is the Impact of Evolution on Our Society? - (impact.ppt)
- What is the Controversy and Why Does it Matter? - (intro.ppt)
Presentation Resources - Other Sites
- Answers in Genesis - Tools for Teaching Awesome set of PowerPoints, graphics, and video helps by Answers in Genesis (EXCELLENT RESOURCE)