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Creation History with Chris Ashcraft


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Available Presentations

Chris Ashcraft is available for speaking and teaching engagements.
Contact by Email. See titles, descriptions, and videos of lectures below.

TitlesChris Ashcraft speaking with PowerPoint


Always Be Prepared to Give an Answer

In 1 Peter 3:15 we are instructed to "Always be prepared to give an answer". And yet most Christian are unable to defend their faith through reasoned arguments. Using recent surveys to demonstrate the impact of the worldviews conflict on young people, this message hopes to inspire apologetics education to stem the loss of faith. We will also address some the conflict that exists between the natural science and the Bible. What is the Biblical age of the Earth? Was Adam not a real man, or was he created by God from some evolved ancient ape-man. Many Christians hold to one of these views to reconcile naturalism with the Bible, and presume the flood of Noah was merely a local event. Succinct answers to these questions are provided, along with an encouragement to trust in the Bible as authoritative on early Earth history.


Amazing Animal Designs: God's Technological Marvels

What would the Earth be like without animals? They are indeed a very special part of the creation that provides endless fascination and brings much love into our lives. Previously unknown animals are discovered each year and the complicated world of these creatures has been made clearer by recent scientific discoveries. This presentation will focus on the amazing abilities of animals that are often a source of inspiration to engineers. Humans have long practiced biomimicry in an attempt to glean the ingenuity behind biological designs, and in doing so testify to the creative power of our Father in heaven.

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Age of Creation: The Biblical Model

Secular science teaches that the Earth is 4.6 billion years old, but the Biblical genealogy contains dates that only allow for an age of just over 6000 years. This presentation will summarize the Biblical age of the creation and why this issue is important for Bible believers. Numerous physical measurements will then be illustrated, which argue conclusively that the Earth simply cannot be billions of years old. When scientific findings are interpreted within the Biblical worldview, we find there is proof of a recent creation and the flood of Noah.
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Big Bang Cosmology vs. Creation: Are They Compatible?

Secular astronomers believe that space and time began through a great cosmic explosion, and yet the Bible says God spoke the universe into existence. While some Christians try to reconcile these two views, the creation account contains a strikingly dissimilar sequence of events. This presentation will analyze the big bang theory, and the supporting evidence including the redshift of light, cosmic background radiation, as well as homogeneity. Alternative interpretations are presented, which argue that the Earth occupies a special place in the universe after all.
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Biblical Apologetics: Defending Belief in the Word of God

The importance of the Bible can not be understated. As the only book to span the periods of antiquity all the way back to creation, it is essential for having both a correct worldview and an accurate understanding of Earth history. Yet how can we be sure that the text we have today is the same as when it was originally written? This presentation will examine the authenticity of the Bible and illustrate key archaeological discoveries supporting the historicity of Jesus. We will also take a look at one of the main points of contention between the Bible and science – the age of the Earth.
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Biblical Archaeology: Defending the History in God's Word

The Bible contains rich and interesting historic accounts of God's people that span more than 4000 years. However, this important record is under attack by critics and archaeologists who have claimed that the Biblical account of history is inaccurate or even fictitious. Well known events and people, such as the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt, and even Jesus have been challenged on archaeological grounds. This presentation will examine key archaeological discoveries supporting the accuracy of the Biblical record including the reign of Joseph and the life and crucifixion of Jesus Christ. When the archaeological evidence is examined, once again we see that science supports the Bible.


Creation Astronomy

Many of the founding fathers of astronomy, such as Nicolas Copernicus and Sir Isaac Newton, looked to the Word of God for special understanding. However, modern astronomers have adopted philosophical naturalism and seek to explain the origin of the cosmos and the celestial bodies through events that lie in stark contrast to the Bible. This presentation provides a general introduction to astronomy from the Biblical worldview ("creation astronomy"). The origin and age of the cosmos and the celestial bodies are discussed, and important evidence of fine-tuning is illustrated.

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Creation Missions

Numerous recent surveys have reported that belief among young people is in sharp decline. This presentation seeks to address this issue by examining the conflicting worldviews facing Christians today, and provide answers to the teachings of natural science that can lead to a loss of faith. In 1Peter 3:15 we are instructed to "Always be prepared to give an answer," and yet most Christian are unable to defend their faith through logic, reason, and empirical evidence.


Defending Genesis: So They Believe When We Speak of Heavently Things

In 1 Peter 3:15 we are instructed to "Always be prepared to give an answer". And yet most Christian are unable to defend their faith through reasoned arguments. Using recent surveys to demonstrate the impact of the worldviews conflict on young people, this message hopes to inspire apologetics education to stem the loss of faith. We will also address some the conflict that exists between the natural science and the Bible. What is the Biblical age of the Earth? Was Adam not a real man, or was he created by God from some evolved ancient ape-man. Many Christians hold to one of these views to reconcile naturalism with the Bible, and presume the flood of Noah was merely a local event. Succinct answers to these questions are provided, along with an encouragement to trust in the Bible as authoritative on early Earth history.
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Evolution: What Darwin Didn't Know

What have we learned about evolution since 1859 when Darwin published his theory on natural selection? At the time, little was known about the cell, and nothing was known of genetics. Are Darwin's "numerous successive slight modifications" able to produce the irreducible complexities found in living systems? This presentation will review the evidence fore and against evolution from both living populations and fossils. We will also examine the processes of speciation, mutation, and selection. When the observations are interpreted correctly, we see clear support for the Biblical teachings that various kinds of plants and animals were created in the beginning.

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The False Teachings and Frauds That Convinced the World of a Terrible Lie ... Evolution

Most people believe in evolution not because of scientific findings that prove the theory, but simply because it is widely believed by others. Today natural history and evolution are taught as absolute facts, but is there really any proof to support their claims? This presentation will examine the many false teachings and outright frauds that have convinced the world that humans are merely the result of natural processes. The evidence for the origin of life, transitional forms, and ape-men  will be examined to show that these components of the theory of evolution are without support.
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Fossils and Evolution: What is the Biblical View?

Secular geologists have rejected Biblical history and assert that there has been no global flood as described in Genesis. But vast quantities of fossils and sedimentary rock provide a monumental testimony to this historical event and God's recent judgment. Is the worldview of these geologists causing them to "deliberately ignore that the world was deluged with water and perished" (2 Peter 3:3-6)? This presentation provides the Biblical answer to the fossil record and an encouragement for Christians to trust in the Bible as authoritative on early Earth history. Numerous examples of fossils are provided that defy conventional explanation and interpretation in support of the theory of evolution. When examined, we can easily see that the fossils have been misinterpreted by naturalistic scientists and are much more consistent with catastrophic activity and a young Earth.
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Genesis: Fables or Foundation of Our Faith?

The first few books of Genesis are indispensable to the Christian Worldview in setting forth important doctrinal definitions and providing critical details on the history of the early Earth. However, due largely to the conflicting teachings naturalistic science many in the Church question this important historical record. Does the bible support billions of years? Was the flood of Noah a global event? This talk is a defense of the literal Biblical worldview, and offers encouragement for Christians to trust in the Bible as authoritative. "Always be prepared to give an answer" . 1Peter 3:15


Geology and the Biblical Flood

Secular geologists say there has been no global flood as described in the Bible, but vast layers of rocks provide a monumental testimony to this event and God's recent judgment of humankind. This presentation provides an introduction to Creation Geology and a characterization of the geological column that is naturally derived from the Biblical worldview. Several important examples are provided that show how strata and canyons can form rapidly rather than over millions of years. In addition, the secular geologic worldviews that form the foundation for interpreting the Earth's crust are examined to illustrate how historical bias against catastrophism has caused erroneous interpretations of geologic features that are now know to have been formed catastrophically.

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Geologic Bias and the Witness of Fossils

Modern geologists claim there has never been a global flood as described in the Bible. However, such assertions come from scientists who adhere rigidly to philosophical naturalism and could never correctly interpret the geology of the Biblical flood. This presentation provides an introduction to geology and argues for an interpretation of the geological column that is naturally derived from the Biblical account. The worldviews that underlie secular interpretations of the Earth's crust will be examined, and several key events will be highlighted to illustrate geology's historic bias against catastrophism. We will also see geologic features, such as strata and canyons, which can form very rapidly, challenging these long-standing examples of an old Earth.
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The Heavens Declare the Glory of God

Modern astronomy offers mankind a look at the cosmos never before seen. The size and beauty of astronomical bodies is a testimony to the magnificence that is our Father in heaven. This presentation aptly uses the scale of the cosmos to guide viewers to a better appreciation of the Glory of God as is revealed by the heavens. Drawing from images taken by space telescopes and spacecraft, we will tour the solar system, distant nebulae, and galaxies that testify of the creators power.
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Mount St. Helens: An Explosion That Rocked the Worldviews

Secular geologists say there has been no global flood as described in the Bible and are highly biased against catastrophic explanation of geologic features. But vast layers of rocks provide a monumental testimony, to any that will see, of this historic event and God's recent judgment of humankind. This presentation will reveal this bias by taking a look at recent geologic interpretations of features that were later shown to be the result of catastrophic flooding. We will then examine Mount St. Helens, which stands as an iconic example of what catastrophic process are able to accomplish, showing that strata and canyons can form rapidly rather than over millions of years.

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The Myths and True History of Dinosaurs

Dinosaurs have inspired countless myths and legends, but where do the facts meet with the Bible? Paleontologists assert that dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago, long before humans ever walked the Earth. But, this view is in stark contrast to the creation account in Genesis, which states that both humans and land animals were created on the same day. This presentation will provide a summary of the naturalist perspective of dinosaurs, and then looks to the Bible for insight into their true history. Are dinosaurs mentioned in the Bible? Were they also placed on Noah's ark? If so, why are they now extinct? These and other key issues will be answered in this popular talk.

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New Testament Archaeology

The New Testament of the Bible records the history of the new Christian Church. However, this important account has been attacked by archaeologists who have claimed that the Bible is inaccurate or even fictitious. Important events, such as the crucifixion, have been challenged on archaeological grounds because no records of key figures in the historical narrative had been found outside the Bible. This multimedia presentation will review several well-known Biblical events and personages in the life of Jesus that can now be substantiated by recent archaeological discoveries, including the Roman Governor Pontius Pilate and Caiaphas, the High Priest. With each new finding the historicity of the Bible is proven true and accurate.
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Related Article: James Ossuary Withstands Accusations by Chris Ashcraft. Creation 32(1), January 2010.


Old  Testament Archaeology - Part 1 - The Bible and Ancient History Unite

The Old Testament of the Bible contains rich and interesting accounts of God's people that span more than 4000 years. However, this important historic record is under attack by critics and archaeologists who have claimed that the Biblical account of history is inaccurate or even fictitious. It has been claimed that the text itself must have been corrupted by scribes who copied the text for thousands of years. In addition, prominent nations mentioned in the Bible from the Hittites to the House of David, and featured events such as the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah have been claimed inventions of the Biblical authors. This multimedia presentation answers these challenges. When archaeological evidence is examined, once again we see that science supports the historicity of the Bible.
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Old  Testament Archaeology - Part 2 - Synchronizing Biblical and Egyptian History

The Old Testament of the Bible contains rich and interesting accounts of God's people that span more than 4000 years. However, this important historic record is under attack by critics and archaeologists who have claimed that the Biblical account of history is inaccurate or even fictitious. Well known events and people such as Joseph, the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt, and the conquest of Jericho have been challenged on archaeological grounds. This multimedia presentation answers these challenges. We will review the events surrounding the Birth of the nation of Israel and their conquestion of the Holy Land. When archaeological evidence is examined, once again we see that science supports the historicity of the Bible.
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The Origin of Life: Creation or Cosmic Chance?

The origin of life remains the most significant unexplained assertion of natural science. More than 150 years after Louis Pasteur disproved spontaneous generation, evolutionists continue to argue that it happened in the distance past. However, following exhaustive efforts, proponents can provide little supporting evidence and remain no closer to solving the riddle of how life began. This presentation will summarize the case against a natural origin of life while highlighting some of the tremendous complexity found in the cell. Truly, evolution is without foundation.
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Planet of the Apes?

Evolutionists argue that humans have descended from ape-like ancestors, thereby reducing humanity to the status of a primate animal. Darwin's seminal theory led inexorably to this conclusion. However, the Bible clearly states that we were created distinct from the animals, and “in the image of God”.  This presentation examines the various “ape-men” used to support human evolution; including Neanderthals, Homo erectus, and Australopithecines. Were there really ape-men or is the infamous missing-link still missing?

Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground." So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:26-27.
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Solar System: Evidence of Design

The Solar System is a marvel of engineering and design, but natural science tries to explain away its origin and clockwork precision with various models and theories. Our solar system is thought to have formed from condensations within a swirling cloud of gas and dust (nebula theory). But when the planets were better analyzed by space probes many surprising discoveries were made that conflict with this prevailing theory.
This presentation provides a tour of the solar system, and discusses the fine-tuning that is abundantly evident, which makes life possible. During our tour we will stop at each planet and many moons and discuss their unique qualities that defies natural explanations. As each new discovery is made in Astronomy, the design and handiwork of out Creator is revealed.
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UFOs and the Alien Deception

Due to the pervasive teaching of naturalism that life came about by chance alone and therefore must also have happened elsewhere in the cosmos, many assume the universe is awash with life. As a result, people have become ripe for deception leading to the popular cultural idea that older, technologically advanced aliens are visiting the earth. For someone who has never been in a church, read a Bible, or known Jesus as their Savior, such teachings can cause people to reject all thought of God as their Creator and Judge.

This presentation will examine the evidence that has convinced so many about extraterrestrial aliens and the spontaneous origin of life, and show that the belief in these concepts is baseless and without merit. Sadly, when people look at the heavens, they now tend to ponder what else might be out there. Instead, we should be considering, in awe, the One who made the majestic universe. For as Psalm 19:1 reminds us, “The heavens declare the glory of God and the sky proclaim the work of His hands.”
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Wonderfully Made: The Incredible Design of the Human Body

The human body is a wonder of God's creation that provides many extraordinary examples of His creative power. Within each of us reside cells, organs, and systems that are interconnected and interdependent in ways that defy evolutionary explanation. Even today, many functions are not fully understood and yet evolutionists hold fast to their belief that this remarkable machine developed without a creator. This presentation will highlight many amazing features of the human body, which offer testimony that we were "knit together" and "wonderfully made" to the glory of God.

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
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Wonders of the Cell

The microscopic world was a previously invisible and unknown realm of the creation. But through molecular studies and modern technologies, science has revealed that the living cell is operating at a level of technological sophistication far beyond anything devised by man. This presentation will highlight some of the most amazing things that God has made. This formerly unseen part of creation provides testimony of His glory and clear refutation of Darwinism. Within each and every organism reside bio-mechanical systems and molecular machines, which provide unmistakable evidence of intelligent design. Although this world was unknown to Darwin and his contemporaries, modern day evolutionists hold resolute that this remarkable complexity developed through purely natural processes.
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The Wonders of Creation Reveal God's Glory

Modern technologies have provided mankind with a look at the the creation never before seen. Advancements in molecular biology and microscopy have revealed a nano-scale complexity that Darwin and his contemporaries could never have imaged. Likewise developments in astronomy have given us a sense of the immense scale of the cosmos.  This presentation aptly uses discoveries from both the microscopic and macroscopic realms to guide believers to a better appreciation of the Glory of God. Drawing from electron micrographs and space telescope images, we will take a tour of His works that reveal the magnificence that is our Father in heaven.
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Worldviews in Conflict

While the United States has a firm foundation in Christianity and the vast majority of the population believes in God, we are unable to teach about God in our public schools. This presentation takes a hard-hitting look at the War of Worldviews facing Christians today, and examines the factors that have contributed to the secularization of US schools. In 1Peter 3:15 we are instructed to "Always be prepared to give an answer," and yet most Christian are unable to defend their faith through logic, reason, and empirical evidence. Using recent surveys and events to demonstrate the impact of the worldviews conflict on our society, this message hopes to inspire scholarly pursuits and political action to face the challenges of the future.
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