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Fossils: Friend or Foe?

Seminar by Carl Kerby
Cedar Park Christian School, Mountlake Terrace WA.
May 30, 2014.


This entertaining talk will challenge the belief that the fossil record supports the teaching of millions of years. A proper understanding of what the 'evidence' shows in the fossil record is vital to having Biblical answers in today's world. We will cover how bias and world-views affect the way that we see the world around us. Questions such as, "What do fossils really show us?", "Doesn't it take millions of years for fossil formation?", "What about the phylogenetic charts of many animal families 'proving' evolution?" will all be discussed. You will learn how to look at these things with a critical eye. The information in this talk will help prepare you to reconnect the Bible to the real world.

About the Speaker:Carl Kerby

Carl Kerby's passion is to proclaim the authority and accuracy of the Bible and to engage the minds and hearts of believers and unbelievers so that they may experience the realities of the Word of God. Whether Carl speaks to youth or adults, large or small crowds, at churches or schools, he has a way of connecting and engaging with everyone. From all ages, all walks of life and wherever they are on their faith journey, Carl reaches people with biblical truths, providing knowledge and reasons why we can trust God and His Word. Carl is a much sought-after speaker, both in the U.S. and abroad. He has spoken in Bermuda, Canada, England, Greece, Israel, Jamaica, Japan, Mexico, the Philippines, Tanzania and Wales. As a founding Board Member of Answers in Genesis, Carl served there for more than 15 years before co-founding the apologetics ministry, Reasons for Hope (