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Radioisotopes & the Age of the Earth:

The Earth's Young After All

by Larry Vardiman, Ph.D.
Seattle Creation Conference, October 2009.


Radioisotope dating has become the standard method for estimating the age of the Earth. Yet, the millions and billions of years estimated by this method conflicts with the thousands of years that the Bible indicates to be the age of the Earth.  An eight-year research project designed to explore the claims of radioisotope dating for an old earth and to offer a young-earth alternative will be completed by the Institute for Creation Research and the Creation Research Society in 2005. The RATE project has found several major pieces of evidence that radioisotope dating is in error by a factor of many orders of magnitude and rocks commonly thought to be billions of years old may only be thousands of years old.  This talk summarizes the project and discusses its major findings.

Topics Include:

  • The Age Issue
  • Assumptions of Radioisotope Dating
  • RATE Hypothesis
  • Findings of the RATE Group

This video file is a 60 minute seminar by Larry Vardiman that was recorded during the Seattle Creation Conference, October 2009. View more videos from the 2009 conference.

About the Speaker:

Larry VardimanLarry Vardiman is a creation scientist and educator with a Ph.D. in Atmospheric Science from Colorado State University. He served as the chairman of the Department of Astro-Geophysics at the Institute for Creation Research’s Graduate School since 1989 and has authored many technical papers and books including overseeing the editing of the book, “Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth.”

Dr. Vardiman’s ability to converse in technical terms about creation science and also being able to communicate with the lay person has allowed God to use him in many ways — from the classroom to the great outdoors as a tour guide, to the radio waves on ICR’s program, Science, Scripture and Salvation.

Much of Dr. Vardiman’s scientific contributions have been in the areas of cloud seeding, ice crystal growth and evolution, the age of the earth’s atmosphere, ice sheet formation during the Ice Age, and catastrophic hurricane formation. Dr. Vardiman has also authored a book discussing creation science from a layperson’s standpoint. Entitled Over the Edge, the book chronicles his more humorous experiences as a tour guide on ICR’s Grand Canyon tours.



PowerPoint file:

This seminar was recorded during the Seattle Creation Conference, October 2009 at Family Life Center, Mukilteo WA.

The Seattle Creation Conference is a regular event organized by the Northwest Creation Network. For information about the upcoming conference visit the Seattle Creation Conference website, or contact the NWCN to have us organize the next creation conference at your Church.