Age Dating Homepage
Responses to Anticreationists
Creation Perspectives on Age Dating
-Creation SuperLibrary
Radioactive Age Estimation
Amino Acid Dating. Is it reliable?
by Mike Brown
An Evaluation of the Use of Growth Lines in
Geochronology, Geophysics, and Paleoecology
by Clausen, C. D.
1(2):58-66 (1974).
Andesite Flows at Mt. Ngauruhoe, New Zealand,
and the Implications for Potassium-Argon "Dating"
by Andrew Snelling.
Presented at the Fourth International Conference on Creationism.
Pittsburgh, PA, August 3-8, 1998
Andesite Flows at Mt. Ngauruhoe, New Zealand,
and the Implications for Potassium Argon "Dating"
by Andrew A. Snelling Ph.D.
Presented at the Fourth International
Conference on Creationism. Pittsburgh, PA, August 3-8, 1998
Are Radioisotope Methods Reliable?
A book review by Brown, R. H. of "The Mythology of Modern Dating Methods
by John Woodmorappe".
25(2):104-108 (1998).
Billion-fold Acceleration of Radioactivity
Demonstrated in Laboratory by John
Woodmorappe TJ 15(2):4–6, 2001
Carbon 14
by Paul Abramson
Carbon 14 Dating What assumptions should we
take? by Mike Brown
Carbon Dating: Why you cant trust it or other
radiometric dating methods.
(Links to Problems with Dating Methods)
Comments on a new carbon 14 calibration
by David Plaisted
Dating by
Dr Luke Randall (C. Biol., M.I. Biol. M.Sc., Ph.D)
Dating in Archaeology: Radiocarbon & Tree-Ring
Dating by Trevor Major
Dating in conflict - Which 'age' will you
trust? by Hansruedi Stutz.
19(2):42–43. March 1997
Radiocarbon Dating Dinosaurs? by
Doug Wilder
Discordant Potassium-Argon Isochron “Ages” For
Cardenas Basalt And Associated Diabase
by Steven Austin and Andrew Snelling.
Presented at the Fourth
International Conference on Creationism. Pittsburgh, PA, August 3-8,
Does God Expect Man to be Able to Tell Time?
The Age of the Earth & the Future of the Earth by James Sundquist
Excess Argon: The Archilles Heel of
Potassium-Argon and Argon-Argon Dating of Volcanic Rocks
by Andrew A. Snelling - ICR Impact No. 307
Excess argon within mineral concentrates from
the new dacite lava dome at Mount St Helens volcano
TJ 10(3):335–343 December 1996
Excessively Old "Ages" For Grand Canyon Lava
Flows by Steven Austin. ICR Impact
No. 224 February 1992
Get Answers: Radiometric Dating
by Answers in Genesis
Grand Canyon Lava Flows: A Survey of Isotope
Dating Methods by Steven Austin.
ICR Impact No. 178 April 1988
Have the decay rates been constant?
Helium Diffusion Rates Support Accelerated
Nuclear Decay by the RATE Group.
Russ Humphreys, Steven Austin, John Baugardner, Andrew Snelling. ICC
How accurate are Carbon-14 and other
radioactive dating methods? by
Christian Answers.Net
How Solid is a Radioisotope Age of a Rock?
Brown, R. H.
10(2):93-95 (1983).
Is There a "Younging Up"in Geologic Column?
by Jon Covey
Isochrons and Evolutionary Dating
by Steven Austin
Measureable C-14 in Fossilized Organic Materials
Confirming the Young Earth Creation-Flood Model
John Baugardner, Andrew Snelling, Russ Humphreys, Steven Austin. ICC 2003.
More Bad News for Radiometric Dating
by David Plaisted
National Geographic plays the dating game
by John Woodmorappe TJ 16(1):48–50, 2002
New Rate Data Support a Young World
by Russell Humphreys, Ph.D. ICR Impact 366 Dec 1, 2003
Nuclear Decay: Evidence for a Young World
by D. Russell Humphreys, Ph.D. ICR Impact No. 352 October 2002
Other Dating Methods
by Mike Brown
Potassium-Argon and Argon-Argon Dating of
Crustal Rocks and the Problem of Excess Argon
by Andrew A. Snelling. ICR Impact 309. March 1999.
Problems with Isochrons
by David Plaisted
Radioactive Age Estimation - Do they prove the
earth is billions of years old?
Radioactive Dating Explained
by Do-While Jones
Radioactive decay rate depends on chemical
environment by Tas Walker, Creation
Ex Nihilo Technical Journal 14(1):4–5, 2000
Radio-dating in rubble
by Keith Swenson. Creation
23(3):23–25. June 2001
Radiocarbon dating and scripture
by David Harris
Radioisotope Age
by R. H. Brown of GRI. Geoscience Reports, Spring 1996, No.
20, p.1-3.
Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth Volume 1
Free download of book. Edited by Larry Vardiman
Radioisotope Dating Methods from
"Creation vs Evolution by Garth D. Wiebe
Radioisotope Dating of Grand Canyon Rocks:
Another Devastating Failure for Long-Age Geology
by Andrew A. Snelling, Ph.D. ICR Impact
376 Oct 1, 2004
Radioisotopes in the Diabase Sill (Upper
Precambrian) at Bass Rapids, Grand Canyon Arizona: An Application and
Test of the Isochron Dating Method by the RATE Group. Andrew Snelling, Steven
Austin, William Hoesch. ICC 2003.
Radiometric Dating
Amazing Discoveries
Radiometric Dating
Radiometric Dating: A Christian Perspective
Dr. Roger Weins. American Scientific Affiliation
Radio-dating in rubble The lava dome at Mount
St Helens debunks dating myths by
Keith Swenson Creation
23(3):23–25June 2001
Rapid Changes in Oxygen Isotope Content of Ice
Cores Caused by Fractionation and Trajectory Dispersion near the Edge of
an Ice Shelf by Larry Vardiman.
Creation Ex Nihlo Technical
RATE group reveals exciting breakthroughs!
by Carl Wieland
Aug 21, 2003
The Age of Life, Radiometric Dating and Tree
Rings old earth perspective by
Anonymous Nazarene Saints
The Dating Game
by David Menton
The Days of Genesis for those who can't read
The First Young-Earth Conference on
Radioisotopes by Larry Vardiman,
Ph.D. ICR Impact 290 Aug 1, 1997
The Radiometric Dating Game
by David Plaisted
U-TH-PB Dating - An Example of False Isochrons
by Andrew Snelling.
Presented at the Third
International Conference on Creationism, Pittsburgh, PA, July 18-23, 1994.
Unreliability of Radiometric Dating and Old Age
of the Earth by David Plaisted
The RATE Group
The RATE Group - Creation scientists at the
Institute for Creation Research and
Creation Research Society
are collaborating on a project to study factors that might effect
radioisotope dating. Specialists in Geology, Geophysics,
Astrophysics, and Physics are actively engaged in this line of research.
The acronym (RATE)
stands for Radioisotopes
and the Age
of The
Rate Group News and Publications
RATE Group Research Publications