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Programming of Life


Dr. Don Johnson
Cedar Park Church August 22, 2014


Programming of Life highlights the informational aspects of life that are usually overlooked or ignored in chemical and biological evolutionary scenarios. Each cell of an organism has thousands (or millions) of interacting computers reading and processing digital information using algorithmic digital programs and digital codes to communicate information. Life is an intersection of physical science and information science. Both domains are critical for any life to exist, and each must be investigated using that domain's principles. Yet most scientists have been attempting to use physical science to explain life's information domain, a practice which has no scientific justification.

This presentation reviews the cell’s computers & computer programs, including computer, coding systems, & algorithmic requirements. The information questions unanswered as yet by science are highlighted. The required properties of nature’s constants & natural laws are examined, with life’s required component’s properties probabilities highlighted, along with scientific problems with the observed fine-tuning of nature's constants and properties needed in order for life to have the observed biological information structures. This presentation is based on Dr. Don Johnson's two most recent books.

About the Speaker:

Dr. Don JohnsonDon Johnson earned Ph.D.s in both Computer & Information Sciences and in Chemistry. He was a senior research scientist and consultant for over 14 years, and taught 20 years in universities in the US and Europe. Since retiring as an APU (Christian university) professor, he has done consulting, speaking, and writing (4 books, including best-selling “Programming of Life,” and several peer-reviewed papers). He has made Christian and secular presentations across the US and on most continents. His Christian Website has links to the “Programming of Life” video (over 236,000 on-line views), several video presentations and printable flyers, as well as links to his two secular science Websites. For over 20 years he believed, taught, and defended the evolutionary scenarios, until science convinced him of the bankruptcy of those beliefs. 

Apologetics Symposium

The Apologetics Symposium takes place the 3rd Thursday each month at Cedar Park Church in Bothell WA. The programs feature presentations from educators and scientists who are dedicated to defending the Bible. They are free to attend, and also available for viewing through live webcast or the recordings archived on our website.

See upcoming schedule of topics and speakers.