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The Big Bang Never Happened

Seminar by Spike Psarris
Seattle Creation Conference, September 2013
Woodin Valley Baptist Church, Bothell WA.


We're told that our Universe formed in a Big Bang event, about 14 billion years ago. Science programs, textbooks, and other media claim that there's lots of evidence for this. But is this true? In this presentation, we'll examine the Big Bang theory. We'll see that it not only lacks solid evidence, it also contradicts several important laws of science. Overall we'll see that the Big Bang is not a good scientific model. Instead, it has all the characteristics of a religious belief system for atheists -- one that is believed in spite of the evidence, because the alternative (Biblical Creation) implies accountability to a Creator.Spike Psarris

About the Speaker:

Spike Psarris was previously an engineer in the United States' military space program. He entered that program as an atheist and an evolutionist. He left it as a creationist and a Christian. He now speaks on creation and Christian apologetics, equipping believers to defend their faith and glorify their Creator.

Seattle Creation Conference

This Seattle Creation Conference is a free two-day event featuring multimedia presentations from educators and scientists who are dedicated to defending the Bible. It has been organized in the Seattle metro by the NW Creation Network since 2004. Watch additional recordings from the Seattle Creation Conference online.