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Creation Geology:

The Key To Unraveling Earth History

Seminar by Patrick Nurre.
Apologetics Forum of Snohomish County
Atonement Free Lutheran Church, Arlington, WA.
January 24th, 2014


If the world is truly billions of years old, we would expect to see this in the geologic record - the rocks, minerals and fossils. Secular geologists tell us emphatically that the earth is billions of years old, having been sculpted by slow and gradual geologic processes, punctuated by brief, local catastrophes. But is this view based on scientific facts or a philosophy framed by biases? Come take a journey with us as we unravel this history and discover just how accurately the Book of Genesis explains the geology of the earth. We will look at 1) how the rocks and minerals fit within a Genesis view, 2) the significance of fossils, and 3) how the global flood explains geologic formations around the world.

About the Speaker:

Patrick NurrePatrick Nurre was trained in secular geology, but after becoming a Christian, he began to seriously reevaluate his previous evolutionary beliefs, and became, instead, a young-earth creationist. Patrick has done field study in the Pacific Northwest, the Midwest and Plains states, the Southwestern U.S., and Israel. He conducts geology classes (PreK-12) and seminars in the Seattle area, and speaks at numerous home school and church conventions on geology and our young earth. He also leads a variety of geology field trips every year, including Yellowstone Park, where he helps families discover the Biblical geology of the Park. See his geology education website at

Visit his website at Northwest Treasures.