Battle for the Bible
Multimedia by
Dr. Phil
Cedar Park Church.
16th, 2015
In the 1970’s, leading evangelical thinkers fought the first “battle for the Bible” in modern times. They argued against the idea that the Bible contains historical and scientific errors, and it only speaks truth in spiritual or moral issues. This led to the 1978 International Council on Biblical Inerrancy, which produced the “Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy.” The Evangelical Theological Society embraced the Chicago Statement & removed from their ranks any scholars who denied inerrancy. However, in recent years, some leading evangelical thinkers have invented new approaches to interpreting the Bible which allows these scholars to claim to hold to inerrancy (i.e., the Bible is totally without error in all that it teaches), yet deny several Gospel miracles by claiming they are just figurative speech or poetic devices and not genuine historical miracles. In this lecture, Dr. Fernandes shows that this hermeneutical approach destroys the doctrine of inerrancy.
About the Speaker:
Dr. Phil Fernandes is the president of the Institute of Biblical Defense, which he founded in 1990 to teach Christians how to defend the Christian Faith. He is also the pastor of Trinity Bible Fellowship in Silverdale, Washington, and teaches philosophy, world religions, theology, and apologetic's for CrossPoint Academy and the Imago Dei Institute (formerly Cascade Bible College).
Dr.Phil Fernandes has earned the following degrees: a Ph.D. in philosophy of religion from Greenwich University, a Master of Arts in Religion from Liberty University, and a Bachelor of Theology from Columbia Evangelical Seminary. Fernandes has debated some of America’s leading atheists (i.e., Dr. Michael Martin of Boston University, Jeff Lowder, Jim Corbett, and Dan Barker). He has lectured and debated in defense of the Christian world view at some of America’s leading universities.
The Apologetics Symposium takes place the 1st Wednesday each month at Cedar Park Church in Bothell WA. The programs feature presentations from educators and scientists who are dedicated to defending the Bible. They are free to attend, and also available for viewing through live webcast or through the recordings archived on our website.
View the recordings archived on our website
See upcoming schedule of topics and speakers.