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The Geology of Israel

Multimedia Presentation by Patrick Nurre
October 5, 2016
Apologetics Symposium
Cedar Park Church


Many people are somewhat familiar with the geology of the Grand Canyon. But did you know that Israel has its version too? It is called, The Grand Canyon of Israel. Everyone knows that Israel is mostly limestone and sandstone, right? Did you know that Israel has a significant amount of volcanic geology too? In this talk, we will explore some of the significant geological formations in Israel and how they relate to the Creation and the Genesis Flood. Israel is a wonderful place to visit for the Biblical history, but it is a tremendous school of learning for study of Biblical Geology too.

Download Video - 860 MB MP4

About the Speaker:

Patrick NurrePatrick Nurre was trained in secular geology, but after becoming a Christian, he began to seriously reevaluate his previous evolutionary beliefs, and became, instead, a young-earth creationist. Patrick has done field study in the Pacific Northwest, the Midwest and Plains states, the Southwestern U.S., and Israel. He conducts geology classes (PreK-12) and seminars in the Seattle area, and speaks at numerous home school and church conventions on geology and our young earth. He also leads a variety of geology field trips every year, including Yellowstone Park, where he helps families discover the Biblical geology of the Park. See his geology education website at

Apologetics Symposium

The Apologetics Symposium takes place the 1st and 2nd Wednesday each month at Cedar Park Church in Bothell WA. The programs feature presentations from educators and scientists who are dedicated to defending the Bible. They are free to attend, and also available for viewing through live webcast or the recordings archived on our website.

See upcoming schedule of topics and speakers.