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Climate Modeling of the Post-Flood Ice Age

Multimedia Presentation by Dr. Larry Vardiman
Cedar Park Church
December 18th, 2014


The Weather Research and Forecasting Model developed by the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado was used to simulate several winter storms traveling across Yosemite and Yellowstone National Parks, two tropical storms originating in the Caribbean Ocean, two tropical cyclones in the Arabian Sea, and three nor’easters on the East Coast of North America. Each simulated storm compared well with observed storm characteristics. The sea-surface temperature of the Pacific, Atlantic, and Arabian Sea were artificially heated by 10 degrees C (18F) to approximate the conditions following the Genesis Flood and simulations run again. Changes in winds, storm motion, and precipitation were analyzed for the warmer temperature.

Larry VardimanWind speed and precipitation were dramatically increased for all cases, as much as a six-fold increase in precipitation. Tropical cyclones increased in intensity to become hypercyclones and their tracks significantly altered. Nor’easters were greatly intensified. In addition, intense regional-scale, counter-clockwise, low-level circulations developed on the East Coast of North America and over the Middle East when the temperature contrast between the continental and ocean surfaces was increased. Heavier precipitation fell over the entire Middle East, including the deserts.

These simulations showed that increased sea-surface temperature was the likely cause of the ice age. Heavy snow that occurred in the mountains of the western United States and in northeastern North America explain past glaciation found in these locations. The deserts of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Israel, Iraq, and Iran would also have likely been much wetter for many years after the Genesis Flood.


About the Speaker:

Dr. Vardiman retired from the Institute for Creation Research in 2012 after 30 years of research, writing, teaching, and speaking on creation. Prior to his full-time ministry in creation science he conducted 15 years of field research in cloud physics and weather modification for the U.S. Department of Interior, the U.S. Air Force, and Colorado State University. He obtained his B.S. in Physics from the University of Missouri at Rolla, a B.S. in Meteorology from St. Louis University, and an M.S. and Ph.D. in Atmospheric Science from Colorado State University. He has written over 30 technical articles, 10 books, and many conference papers. He was Director and Editor of the RATE Project, a study on Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth. For the past 10 years he has been conducting numerical simulations of climate and weather during the ice age. He used conventional research models and data supplied by NASA and NOAA to study storms enhanced by warm oceans heated through catastrophic events of the Genesis Flood. He continues to conduct limited research, writing, and speaking in the Northwest. Dr. Vardiman lives on Camano Island, Washington, is married to Jeannette, a registered nurse, has 4 children, and 6 grandchildren.

Apologetics Symposium

The Apologetics Symposium takes place the 3rd Thursday each month at Cedar Park Church in Bothell WA. The programs feature presentations from educators and scientists who are dedicated to defending the Bible. They are free to attend, and also available for viewing through live webcast or the recordings archived on our website.

See upcoming schedule of topics and speakers.