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Mathematics and Creation

by Don DeYoung PhD
Seattle Creation Conference
October 2016
Cedar Park Church, Bothell WA


Math is the underlying language of creation. Intricate patterns, symmetries and design exist throughout nature, all showing the fingerprint of the Creator. Examples include Fibonacci numbers, the fine structure constant, spiral structures and Mobius patterns. Complex mathematical structures which are embedded in nature continue to be discovered. Mathematics can be applied to several creationist topics including life in space, the uniqueness of snowflakes, biomimicry and the testimonies of math pioneers.

About the Speaker:

Dr. Don DeYoungDr. Donald B. DeYoung is an avid creation scientist and educator specializing in astronomy and physics. He chairs the Department of Science and Mathematics at Grace College in Winona Lake, Indiana. Don has taught at Grace College since 1972. Sabbatical travels have taken him to San Diego, Europe and the South Pacific.
Dr. DeYoung is the current president of the Creation Research Society with over 1,700 members worldwide. The CRS funds research, operates a lab in Arizona and publishes books and a technical Quartely journal. He gives lectures on many creation topics including astronomy, intelligent design, the Genesis Flood, and dinosaurs. Don strongly believes that the details in nature definitively point to the Creator and His love for mankind. Don also conducts workshops for children with hands-on Bible-science activities. He also writes and speaks for the organization Answers in Genesis.


Seattle Creation ConferenceThis video was recorded during the 2016 Seattle Creation Conference, which is organized each year by the Northwest Creation Network. The SCC is a free 2-day event that features apologetics presentations by educators and scientists from ministries all around the world.