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Is There Monkey in Your Family Tree?

by Thomas Kindell
Seattle Creation Conference, August 2007


Dr. Kindell examines and powerfully refutes the so-called “evidence” that man evolved from an ape-like ancestor.

About the Speaker:

Thomas KindellDr. Thomas Kindell was once an ardent believer in the “fact” of evolution. However, through his exposure to the scientific case for creation, he became a zealous creationist. He has received advanced training in scientific creationism through the Graduate School of the Institute for Creation Research in Santee, California. He has been privileged to study under several of the world's most prominent creation scientists. He also has studied Christian Apologetics and Biblical-Scientific Creationism at California Graduate School of Theology where he received his M.A. in Biblical Studies. He holds a Doctorate in Philosophy of Theology (major in philosophy of Biblical apologetics.)
Dr. Kindell is the founder and president of Reasons for Faith Ministries, Inc., a non-profit ministry dedicated to equipping Christian believers to “give every man an answer” for their Biblical faith ( He is a licensed Assemblies of God evangelist and is the only credentialed Assemblies minister devoted to full-time teaching of Creation-Science apologetics. He is a member of the Oregon Design Science Association and is a lifetime sustaining member of the Creation Research Society. For over twenty-eight years he has engaged in a traveling teaching ministry lecturing on Biblical apologetics and the scientific case for creation. Dr. Kindell is available for speaking engagements full-time on a free will offering basis throughout the United States and abroad. His seminars have been enthusiastically endorsed by Dr. Duane T. Gish, Senior Vice‑President Emeritus of the Institute for Creation Research. He has also successfully debated the scientific case for creation against notable evolutionists on high school and college campuses, radio, and television. Dr. Kindell is a frequent guest on the radio series “Science, Scripture & Salvation” which is produced by the Institute for Creation Research. He is the author of the acclaimed book, Evolution on Trial.


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Seattle Creation ConferenceThis seminar was recorded during the Seattle Creation Conference, August 2007 at Calvary Chapel of Lake Stevens, WA.
The Seattle Creation Conference is a regular event organized by the Northwest Creation Network. For information about the upcoming conference visit the Seattle Creation Conference website, or contact the NWCN to have us organize the next creation conference at your Church.