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Catastrophic Plate Tectonics:

A Global Flood Model For Earth History

by Steven Austin Ph.D.
Seattle Creation Conference, October 2009
Mukilteo Foursqure Church, Mukilteo WA


How did the catastrophic sedimentary and tectonic processes associated with the global flood form the world we see? Catastrophic plate tectonics was the theory devised by creationists 150 years ago to explain the geology of continents and ocean basins. Lately, creationists have modeled the ocean-floor upheaval that initiated the flood, subducted the pre-flood ocean floor, and propelled the oceans over the continents. Subduction of the pre-flood ocean floor moved continents into their present positions, and enlarged and deepened ocean basins. Major mountain ranges are the product of plate collisions. Left over heat and global cooling following the flood created the rapid post-flood ice age and Earth’s modern climate.

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About the Speaker:

Steve AustinDr. Steven A. Austin is a field research geologist with a Ph.D. from Penn State University in sedimentary geology. He is “Senior Research Scientist” with Institute for Creation Research in Dallas, Texas. He has performed geologic research on six of the seven continents of the world. His research adventures have taken him by helicopter into the crater of Mount St. Helens volcano, by bush plane onto glaciers in the high mountains of Alaska, by raft through the entire Grand Canyon, on horseback into the high Sierra, by elevator into the world’s deepest coal mines, by SCUBA onto the Great Barrier Reef of Australia, by rail into the backcountry of Korea, by foot onto barren plateaus of southern Argentina, and by four-wheel drive into remote desert areas of Israel, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. He is the author of three books, three videos, one computer software package, and more than thirty technical geology papers.
Dr. Austin’s field research within Grand Canyon includes over 400 nights camped out below the Canyon’s rim. He has launched 22 raft trips within Grand Canyon. He has explored very remote areas of Grand Canyon by mule, helicopter and ATV. His book “Grand Canyon: Monument to Catastrophe” and his DVD “Grand Canyon: Monument to the Flood” summarize his investigations. He has over ten technical papers on Grand Canyon. Subjects of his technical publications on Grand Canyon include lava dams, breached dams, fossils, limestones, sandstones, basalts, diabase sills and radioisotope dating. He is widely known for his discovery of the regionally extensive mass-kill and burial bed within the Redwall Limestone about 2000 feet below the Canyon’s rim.

Seattle Creation Conference

This presentation was recorded during the Seattle Creation Conference, October 2009 at Mukilteo Foursqure Church. The NW Creation Network organizes numerous educational programs each year, which feature presentations by speakers, scientists, and authors who are dedicated to defending the Bible and the Christian worldview. These events are open to all Bible believers and free to attend.

Watch additional recordings from the Seattle Creation Conference online.