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The ICA Stones: Hoax or History?

by Dennis Swift PhD
Seattle Creation Conference
October 2016
Cedar Park Church, Bothell WA


Amazing anatomical details of dinosaurs on stones that defy description. How did the South American Indians carve dinosaurs on stones hundreds of years ago? The science textbooks are just now catching up. One of archaeology's most baffling mysteries.

Evolutionists proclaim dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago. But people in ancient Peru a thousand years ago saw them up close and alive. Their carvings on stones show correctly features of anatomy that are right on and the current dinosaur books are wrong Evidence will be shown that thousands of carved stones are not a hoax but history. Various tests have been conducted that shows their antiquity Wow you will find out there was not a triceratops but it was a cinco ceratops.? Where do the plates belong on a stegosaurus.? Where are the nasal openings on a sauropods nose? The textbooks are the fairy tale and the dinosaurs on stones are history The stones accuracy remains the standard while the scientists scramble to redo textbooks.Dennis Swift

About the Speaker:

Dennis Swift is the founder and president of Creation Science Ministries of Oregon. He has a PhD from the University of South Africa in Archaeological and Indian Studies. He is the author of the bestselling book Secrets of the Ica Stones and Nazca Lines. He has been the leader of a creation conference in Portland Oregon for twenty nine years and Pastors The Church of All Nations, Portland Oregon.


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Seattle Creation ConferenceThis video was recorded during the 2016 Seattle Creation Conference, which is organized each year by the Northwest Creation Network. The SCC is a free 2-day event that features apologetics presentations by educators and scientists from ministries all around the world.