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Biblical Chronology

Biblical chronology is the order and timing of events recorded in the Old Testament and New Testament. The Bible is remarkably detailed in its chronology, giving precise dates and years for many important events and Biblical genealogies, for the events spanning from the first day of Creation to the death of Abraham's father, Terah. The post-biblical chronology from Jesus to the present day is also easily available from European historical record.


Genealogical Record

Main Article: Biblical Genealogy

The Bible contains a genealogical record from Adam to Jesus, and specifies the age of each man (from Adam to Jacob) in this lineage at the time each had his first son. This genealogy provides the basis for the chronology of events described in the Bible. Using this detailed record of births from the beginning of creation, Bible scholars have been able to calculate the dates of many important historical events and the age of the earth itself.

The genealogy is precise and detailed from the first day of creation to the death of Terah. Ages are given for the birth, next son in line, and death of all the patriarchs reported to have lived during that period. There is some dispute about Terah's age at the birth of Abraham, but the record from there is once again fairly clear until the death of Joseph. From then until the Exodus of Israel, however, the Bible text lends itself to two different interpretations that differ by two hundred fifteen years. The chronology of the kings of Israel beginning with Solomon and continuing to Zedekiah is subject to multiple differing interpretations of concurrence of reigns, viceroyalties, and the like. The Bible also does not give a precise length for the period from the end of the kingdoms of Israel to the New Testament era, though most authorities, both biblical and secular, are in accord on the date of the ending of those kingdoms.

Biblical age of the Earth

Main Article: Biblical age of the Earth

We can see that Adam died in Anno Mundi (AM) 930, Noah was born in 1057 AM and the Flood occurred 600 years later, which was in 1657 AM . Terah begat Abraham when he was at least 70, but probably not more than 130, (which is the age this chronology will use), 352 years after the Flood, in 2009 AM.

  • From the time that Abraham left for Egypt until the Exodus of Israel from there was 430 years to the day (Gen 12:10, Ex 12:40, Gal 3:17), 2083+430 = 2513 AM.
  • From the Exodus from Egypt to the start of the Temple of Jerusalem was 479 years (1 Ki 6:1), 2513+479 = 2992 AM.
  • From the start of the Temple to the division of the Kingdom was 37 years (1Ki 11:42), 2992+37 = 3029 AM.
  • From the division of the Kingdom to the final deportation (about four years after Jerusalem fell) was 390 whole years plus part of one year (Eze 4:4-6). 3029+390 = 3419 AM.

To make these dates conform to dating methods used today, Anno Mundi (AM), which has been used within this Biblical framework, needs to be converted to BC (Before Christ). Since the final deportation and ending of the kingdom was in 586 BC, the date of creation would then be 586+3419-1 or 4004 BC.

Event Year BC Year AM
The Creation of the World 4004 1
The World Wide Flood 2348 1657
The Call of Abraham 1921 2083
The Exodus from Egypt 1491 2513
The Foundations of Temple Laid 1012 2992
The Destruction of Jerusalem 586 3421
The Birth of Christ 4 4000

The table above uses James Ussher's original chronology. Biblical chronology has been the subject of often fierce debate for the last 100 years.

Young vs. Old Earth Creationism

Main Article: Creationism

Proponents of Old Earth and Young Earth creationism differ in their interpretations of this chronology. Young Earth creationists believe that the specific dates given for important events (such as the global flood, for which the date, month, and year for all the events associated with the flood is recorded) were intended to be understood literally, because there is no evidence of allegory, and no reason to read them as such.

In support they cite Hebrew scholars such as James Barr:

...probably, so far as I know, there is no professor of Hebrew or Old Testament at any world-class university who does not believe that the writer(s) of Genesis [chapters] 1-11 intended to convey to their readers the [idea] that ... the figures contained in the Genesis genealogies provided by simple addition a chronology from the beginning of the world up to later stages in the biblical story...[1]

Old Earth creationists, on the other hand, believe that at least the days of creation if not at least some of the earlier chronologies should be taken allegorically. Invariably they base their old-Earth beliefs on extra-biblical evidence, as with Gleason Archer:

From a superficial reading, the impression received is that the entire creative process took place in six twenty-four hour days. If this was the true intent of the Hebrew author (a questionable deduction, as will be presently shown), this seems to run counter to modern scientific research, which indicates that the planet Earth was created several billion years ago.[2]

Egyptian vs Biblical Chronology

Main article: Egyptian chronology

Skeptics often criticize the Bible because its chronology disagrees with the standard chronology of ancient Egypt. However, this argument assumes that the Egyptian, rather than Hebrew chronology, is correct. One might just as easily argue that the Egyptian chronology is wrong, because it disagrees with the Hebrew.

In fact, there is no original "Egyptian chronology." Egyptian historical accounts record the lengths of the reigns of kings and dynasties, but do not tell when these kings and dynasties ruled in relation to each other. The Standard Egyptian Chronology was developed in the early 20th century, based on the assumption that no two Egyptian dynasties ruled simultaneously, (which is demonstrably false), and a series of inferences and calculations based on the so-called Sothic cycle, (an assumption without any substantive evidence to support it).

In contrast to this questionable Egyptian chronology invented in the 20th century and based on false assumptions and hypothetical calendars, the Biblical chronology records not only the birth and death of many of the patriarchs, but also reports their lives in relation to each other, and, in some cases, gives the month, day, and year when important events occurred.

As a result, some creationist archaeologists (and secular Middle Eastern historians like Velikovsky) argue that the standard Egyptian chronology is erroneous, and in need of revision. They reject the two assumptions above, and have proposed a revised Egyptian chronology, consistent with the Hebrew chronology and with the archaeological evidence.

Based on chart in Creation Vol. 27 No. 3 (June–August 2005)

Legend below and to the left.Egyptian

  • OK = Old Kingdom
  • FIP = First Intermediate Period.
  • MK = Middle Kingdom
  • SIP = Second Intermediate Period.
  • NK = New Kingdom
  • TIP = Third Intermediate Period.
  • LP = Late and Persian Period.


This chart shows the standard Egyptian and revised Egyptian chronologies and how they compare to the Biblical chronology. Note that with this shift the Biblical events are not only shifted into different dynasties, but different periods as well, with the flood and Babel predating the beginning of Egyptian history. Also note that the post-flood ice age coincides with the early Egyptian history, ending about 100 years after Joseph. This not only explains the famine of Joseph's day, but the water erosion on The Great Sphinx.[3]

The standard Egyptian chronology causes problems for nearly every other civilization that it is used to date. It causes an unexplained dark ages across the ancient world. It also disagrees with 8th and 9th century Assyrian records that show them warring against the Hittites some 500 years after the standard Egyptian chronology claims that the Hittites were wiped out. The Hittite kings the Assyrians were warring against are the same kings found in Hittite records dated 500 years earlier by the Egyptian chronology.

Furthermore, when these corrections are made, there is abundant evidence for Joseph, Moses, the Exodus of Israel, David, and Solomon right where the Bible says they are. The reason for the alleged lack of evidence is that archaeologists have been looking in the wrong places, because their chronology is wrong.


  1. Barr, James. "Oxford Hebrew scholar, Professor James Barr, on the meaning of Genesis." Creation Ministries International, n.d. Accessed September 1, 2008.
  2. "Progressive Creationist Pattle Pun of Wheaton College." Creation Ministries International, n.d. Accessed September 1, 2008.
  3. The Great Sphinx of Egypt, Genesis Mission.


Chronology From Creation of Man to the Flood
  Age at
birth of son
Years after
birth of son

Total age

Adam 130 800 930  Ge 5:3-5
Seth 105 807 912  Ge 5:6-8
Enos   90 815 905  Ge 5:9-11
Cainan   70 840 910  Ge 5:12-14
Mahalaleel   65 830 895  Ge 5:15-17
Jared 162 800 962  Ge 5:18-20
Enoch   65 300 365  Ge 5:21-24
Methuselah 187 782 969  Ge 5:25-27
Lamech 182 595 777  Ge 5:28-31
Noah at time of the flood 600  Ge 7:6
Total - from creation to flood 1656 Years

Did God create the earth in just a few days?

The very nature of our world offers an important piece of scientific evidence that substantiates the simultaneous creation of many kinds of plants and animals as described in the Bible. We live in an ecosystem where the existence of life requires the concurrent presence of many kinds of organisms such as microbes, plants, insects, and animals. These organisms comprise the food chain (producers > consumers > decomposers). If even one of these groups were to go extinct, life as we know it might very well cease to exist. This interdependence verifies what the Bible says: God created many "kinds" of plants and animals at the same relative point in time.


 Chronology of the Great Flood of Noah

  EVENT Day Length Calendar Day
Gen 7:11 Rainfall Begins Day 1 Month 2, day 17
Gen 7:17 Rain stops  Day 40  
Gen 7:24
Gen 8:3-4
Ark comes to rest on the Mountains of Ararat marking then end of the flooding. Day 150 Month 7, day 17
Gen 8:5 Mountain tops exposed Day 224 Month 10, day1
Gen 8:6 Window opened and Raven sent out. Did not return Day 264  
Gen 8:7 Dove sent out, returned. Day 271  
Gen 8:10 Dove sent out, returned with olive branch. Day 278  
Gen 8:12 Dove sent out, did not return. Day 285  
Gen 8:13 Cover removed from ark Day 314 First month of year,1st day
Gen 8:16 Noah leaves ark Day 371 2nd month, 27th day
  TOTAL  DAYS 371   


Northwest Creation Network
Age of the Earth and Cosmos: Creation Books and Videos

Adams' Chart of History
Big Book of History
The Chronology of the Old Testament
Cosmos: Created & Young!
Creation's Tiny Mystery
The Great Turning Point
Leonard's Biblical Chronological Chart
Leonard's Biblical Chronological Chart (bound version)
Millions of Years: Where Did the Idea Come From?
Newton's Revised History of Ancient Kingdoms
The Origin of Old-Earth Geology and Christian Compromise
Radioisotope Age Dating Set
Regular price: $52.80
Sale price: $42.24
Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth
Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth
Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth
Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth, Volume II
Refuting Compromise
Refuting Compromise
Rocks & Ages: Do They Hide Millions of Years?
Scientific Evidences For a Young Earth
The Six Days of Creation
Starlight and Time
Starlight and Time
Starlight, Time and the New Physics
Starlight, Time and the New Physics
Thousands. . . Not Billions
Thousands … Not Billions
Unformed and Unfilled
The Young Age of the Earth
The Young Earth
The Young Earth