Big Bang:
Proven Science or Assumptions?
Multimedia Presentation by
Maureen O’Kane
Cedar Park Church
December 6th, 2017
Theories presented as fact, guesses published as evidence, costly projects based on assumptions - is this true science? A comparison of creation and evolution’s claims, as well as issues even the evolutionary scientists are re-visiting.
Join us for a side-by-side visual comparison of the Big Bang and God’s creation as we examine claims, challenges, and quotes from scientists on both sides of the issue, with Scripture as our guide.
Maureen O’Kane shares her research and images as a lay-person, having been on both sides of the evolution/creation fence. For her, it comes down to the standard we choose to determine truth, both scientific and religious, and where we place our ultimate faith; God or man?
About the Speaker:
Maureen grew up believing in evolution until she read a Bible for the first time at the age of 25. Creation’s straightforward story of a personal God designing each species presented a beautiful – and more logical – image of who we are in heaven’s eyes. Since then, Maureen has shared Scripture science programs at schools, campgrounds, women’s retreat, churches, conventions (both U.S. and Canada), and once at the Washington State Penitentiary. More recently, she has spoken at the Design Science Association in Portland, OR, as well as the Creation Association of Puget Sound, both creation apologetics organizations.
Her career and community roles have included:
- Marketing Executive for both national and international healthcare corporations
- Motivational Speaker for customer-service training videos
- PR for Non-Profit Organization for Adults with Developmental Disabilities
- Court-Appointed Advocate & Therapeutic Foster Parent
- Bible Class Teacher for teens (27 years) and adult seekers (9 years)
- Depression Recovery Seminar Facilitator Coordinator and Instructor
Maureen’s passion is to research scientific discoveries through the eyes of Scripture, believing science and faith together provide a more complete image of our Creator God. On a personal side, Maureen loves to hike and explore, learn about our planet and fellow creatures, listen to different world views through documentaries and science forums. Family and friends are precious gifts from God, as is being given each day to make a difference.
The Apologetics Symposium takes place the 1st Wednesday each month at Cedar Park Church in Bothell WA. The programs feature presentations from educators and scientists who are dedicated to defending the Bible. They are free to attend, and also available for viewing through live webcast or through the recordings archived on our website.
View the recordings archived on our website
See upcoming schedule of topics and speakers.