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Seattle Creation Conference

Seattle Creation Conference 2013

These videos recorded during the Seattle Creation Conference,
October 2013 at Woodin Valley Baptist Church, Bothell WA.

The Big Bang Never Happened

by Spike Psarris

We're told that our Universe formed in a Big Bang event, about 14 billion years ago. Science programs, textbooks, and other media claim that there's lots of evidence for this. But is this true? In this presentation, we'll examine the Big Bang theory. We'll see that it not only lacks solid evidence, it also contradicts several important laws of science. Overall we'll see that the Big Bang is not a good scientific model. Instead, it has all the characteristics of a religious belief system for atheists -- one that is believed in spite of the evidence, because the alternative (Biblical Creation) implies accountability to a Creator.

The Christian Roots Of Science & Busting The Myths Of Science

by Jonathan Sarfati

Why did science flourish in the West, and only the West? The biblical worldview provided the presuppositions that allowed science to flourish while it was stillborn in other places such as Greece and China. Evolutionists deny this biblical foundation for science by accusing Christianity of superstitions that held science back. Jonathan deftly busts the myth of the ‘Dark Ages’—a time marked by many scientific advances. He also busts the myths of Galileo, belief in a flat earth, and more.

Fossils: History In Contention

by Chris Ashcraft

Secular geologists have rejected Biblical history and assert that there has been no global flood as described in Genesis. But vast quantities of fossils and sedimentary rock provide a monumental testimony to this historical event and God's recent judgment. Is the worldview of these geologists causing them to "deliberately ignore that the world was deluged with water and perished" (2 Peter 3:3-6 )? This presentation provides the Biblical answer to the fossil record and an encouragement for Christians to trust in the Bible as authoritative on early Earth history. Numerous examples of fossils are provided that defy conventional explanation and interpretation in support of the theory of evolution. When examined, we can easily see that the fossils have been misinterpreted by naturalistic scientists and are much more consistent with catastrophic activity and a young Earth.

Genesis: Fables Or Foundation Of Our Faith?

by Chris Ashcraft

The first few books of Genesis are indispensable to the Christian Worldview in setting forth important doctrinal definitions and providing critical details on the history of the early Earth. However, due largely to the conflicting teachings naturalistic science many in the Church question this important historical record. Does the bible support billions of years? Was the flood of Noah a global event? This talk is a defense of the literal Biblical worldview, and offers encouragement for Christians to trust in the Bible as authoritative.

Hitler and the Nazi Darwinian Worldview

by Jerry Bergman

In this lecture Dr. Bergman talks about his latest book that surpasses attempts by others to expose the evils of Darwinism, Nazism, and racism. Dr. Bergman takes a look at the role that Darwinian evolution played in Hitler's Nazi campaign of genocide. Throughout the highly documented book there is an obvious thread of Darwinian dogma intertwined in the hearts, minds, and practices of the Nazis. Creationists and conservatives often point out the connection of Darwinism to Hitler and his henchmen. Too many times, that logical point is silenced by statements that claim that Hitler was a Christian. Dr. Bergman pounds the final nail into the coffin of any claim of connections between Hitler's ventures and Biblical values. This fascinating program delves into Hitler's eugenics goals; what triggered his anti-Semitic attitudes; his leading scientists; the connection between social Darwinism and government sponsored mass murder; Nazism as applied evolution; the content of Germany's biology textbooks and more.

Mutations & Darwinism

by Jerry Bergman

Covers the fact that evolution is true but going the wrong way. The problem with evolution has never been the survival of the fittest, but the arrival of the fittest, and this is still the most serious problem today with Darwinism. The fact is, we are descending genetically as the scriptures teach, not ascending upward biologically, as evolution incorrectly teaches. A major theory of the source of phenotype variations for natural selection to select from is macro-mutations. The empirical evidence, however, is clear—neither macro-mutations nor micro-mutations can provide a significant source of new genetic information: The fact is Mutation accumulation does not lead to new species or even to new organs or tissues. What mutations eventually lead to is sickness and death because the vast majority of mutations, over 99.99%, are near neutral or harmful. In each new generation of humans an estimated 100 to 200 new mutations are added to the human gene line. Thus 100 to 200 new mutations are added to the offspring compared to the parents. Both creationists and Intelligent Design advocates conclude that the only plausible source of genetic information is intelligence. Intelligent Design only postulates an intelligent source, and creationists conclude the source is an Intelligent Creator we call God.

Real Science Supports The Bible!

by Jonathan Sarfati

What is ‘real science’? Jonathan discusses the distinction between ‘origins science’ which seeks to explain what happened in the past and ‘operational science’ which is testable, repeatable, and is the source of things like cell phones and antibiotics. He shows how what we see from operational science—things we observe today—support the Bible’s statements about origins and an intelligent Designer—the God of the Bible.

Slaughter Of The Dissidents

by Jerry Bergman

Charles Darwin's ideas still penetrate every aspect of our culture, including science, religion, and education. And while much has been made of his contribution to the evolutionary hypothesis, little has been publicized about the dark side of the man himself and how this may have impacted the quality and legitimacy of his research. This presentation takes the audience behind the popular facade of a man revered worldwide as a scientific pioneer, and unveils what kind of person Darwin really was. The presentation reveals disturbing facts that will help the audience perceive Darwin firsthand through the eyes of family and friends, and his own correspondence to reveal a troubled man struggling with mental health issues. I will also document his views on eugenics and racism, and his belief that women were less evolved than men. I also reveal Darwin's less-than-above board methods of attempting to prove his so-called scientific beliefs, and his plot to "murder God" by challenging the then-dominant biblical worldview. The disturbing conclusion of this talk documents widespread discrimination by Darwin loyalists against Darwin skeptics in academia and within the scientific community. Multiple case studies expose the tactics used to destroy the careers of Darwin skeptics, denying them earned degrees and awards, tenure, and other career benefits offered to non-skeptics. The book exposes how freedom of speech and freedom of expression are widely promoted as not allowed to Darwin doubters, and reveals the depth and extent of hostility and bigotry exhibited towards those who would dare to question Darwinism. The presentation also shows how even the slightest hint of sympathy for Darwin Doubters can results in a vigorous and rabid response from those who believe such sympathies represent an attack on science itself.

Young Earth - Young Universe

by Spike Psarris

You probably know that the Bible describes a young Earth -- thousands of years old, not billions. You might even know some of the evidence for this. But what about the rest of the Universe? In this presentation, we'll briefly review some evidence for the Earth being young, not old. Then we'll continue out into our Solar System, and then out into the broader Universe, to see that it too has much evidence for youth -- in accordance with the Biblical account of Creation.

Seattle Creation Conference

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 viewing free online or as downloadable video files.

The Seattle Creation Conference is a regular event organized by the Northwest Creation Network. For information about the upcoming conference visit the Seattle Creation Conference website, or contact the NWCN to have us organize the next creation conference at your Church.