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Seattle Creation Conference


Seattle Creation Conference 2014

These videos were recorded during the Seattle Creation Conference,
May 2014 at Woodin Valley Baptist Church, Bothell WA.

Floating Forests: An Example of Creation Model Building
70 minute seminar by Kurt Wise
Plant divisions appear in the order in the fossil record that is predicted by evolution, making them one of the most powerful evidences of megaevolutionary theory. The same order can be explained by postulating the destruction during the Flood of a continent-sized floating forest. The development of floating forest theory provides an example of how creationism can generate good theories (explaining more data than evolution, while also being synthetic, predictive, and heuristic).
Human Evolution: Is That All You Got?
50 minute seminar by Carl Kerby
In our world today we're inundated with the message that man evolved over millions of years. Our school systems, television programs, movies and even music push this message on us constantly. But, what does the 'evidence' really show? Using information from the "Revealing the Link" website Carl will discuss the supposed evolutionary 'ancestors' used there to "prove" human evolution. This includes the world famous, Lucy. Once we look beyond the "veneer" at what the actual evidence really shows, you may be surprised! We can and need to have answers to these issues today.
Mount St Helens: An Explosion That Rocked the Worldviews
50 minute seminar by Chris Ashcraft
Secular geologists say there has been no global flood as described in the Bible and are highly biased against catastrophic explanation of geologic features. But vast layers of rocks provide a monumental testimony, to any that will see, of this historic event and God's recent judgment of humankind.

This presentation will reveal this bias by taking a look at recent geologic interpretations of features that were later shown to be the result of catastrophic flooding. We will then examine Mount St. Helens, which stands as an iconic example of what catastrophic process are able to accomplish, showing that strata and canyons can form rapidly rather than over millions of years.
The Nature of God and Biology
70 minute seminar by Kurt Wise
Romans 1:18-20 indicates that God illustrated His invisible attributes in the physical world. Turning this concept around, it is possible to explain many features of the physical world as existing to be illustrations of the invisible attributes of God. Applied to biology, this hypothesis explains many of the major characteristics of the biological world (e.g. beauty, disparity, nested hierarchy, diversity, unity, language, etc.) that are not at all or poorly explained by evolutionary theory.
New Atheist Pseudoscience 
60 minute seminar by Heinz Lycklama
Science confirms Creation. Secular scientists claim that The Theory of Evolution is a fact. However, this has not been supported by good science, even 150 years after Darwin wrote Origin of Species. Now along comes the New Atheists such as Dawkins, Hawking, Krauss and Stenger proposing new natural explanations for the origins of the universe, first life, and complex life. We show that their explanations, which include quantum fluctuations, Big Bang Inflation, the multiverse, hydrothermal vents, panspermia, and design by natural selection, are nothing but pseudoscience.
Remote Control: Critically Evaluating What We Are Watching
50 minute seminar by Carl Kerby
Today's Christians are so used to the teaching of millions of years and evolution that they no longer notice how prevalent it is in our everyday lives. In this talk Carl shares numerous examples from Comic books, TV, Movies etc. showing how much indoctrination is taking place. Even in 'family friendly' materials there are blatant teachings that are undermining our young people's ability to trust the Word of God. This talk will help Christians to get their 'radar' turned on in order to catch these falsehoods. It will also teach parents how they can use the media as a way to start communicating the truth of God's Word.
What Is The 'Best' Evidence God Created?
50 minute seminar by Carl Kerby
Audiences across the globe have been thrilled with this colorful, eye-catching presentation on some of the most astounding evidences of God's handiwork. The talk builds to an unforgettable conclusion! Do you know what the 'Best Evidence' is that God created?
Worldviews in Conflict
60 minute seminar by Chris Ashcraft
While the United States has a firm foundation in Christianity and the vast majority of the population believes in God, we are unable to teach about God in our public schools. This presentation takes a hard-hitting look at the War of Worldviews facing Christians today, and examines the factors that have contributed to the secularization of US schools.

In 1Peter 3:15 we are instructed to "Always be prepared to give an answer," and yet most Christian are unable to defend their faith through logic, reason, and empirical evidence. Using recent surveys and events to demonstrate the impact of the worldviews conflict on our society, this message hopes to inspire scholarly pursuits and political action to face the challenges of the future.

Seattle Creation Conference

Videos from past conferences and monthly programs are available for
 viewing free online or as downloadable video files.

The Seattle Creation Conference is a regular event organized by the Northwest Creation Network. For information about the upcoming conference visit the Seattle Creation Conference website, or contact the NWCN to have us organize the next creation conference at your Church.