Creation Apologetics Articles
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- Abelson's Hypothesis By Mark Stewart
- Abiogenesis and the Origin of Life
- A Clash of Worldviews: Culture War? What Culture War? by Bruce Barton (PDF Version Available)
- Age Dating the Earth
- The Ancients Knew of the Global Flood by James I. Nienhuis
- Atheism and the Scientific Community Attributes the rise of atheism to evolution inundation
- Creation / Evolution: Does it Matter What We Believe? by Mike Riddle (Book download)
- Genetics and Creation
- The Channeled Scablands; Scientific Bias Against Catastrophism by Chris Ashcraft
- Christianity a Cause of Modern Science - The Duhem-Jaki and Merton Theses Explained by Eric V. Snow. Shows that classical pagan ideas among the Romans and Greeks had to be pushed back or refuted by ideas based on Christian doctrine in order to ultimately have modern science.
- Creation and the Cross by Andrew Rigg
- Creation or Evolution: Does it Really Matter? by Bruce Barton
- Darwinian Faith vs. Intelligent Faith By Monte Kuligowski
- Designed to Eat Plants; Then Cursed to be Unable A theory concerning the curse upon Adam
- Dinosaurs and the Biblical Flood an introduction to the creation perspectives regarding dinosaur
- Does God Expect Man to be Able to Tell Time? by James Sundquist
- Evidence Against Evolution by Heinz Lycklama
- Evidence of the Flood in Franklin County by Gerald Durr
- Evolution Exposed! Opposing Science and Scripture by Jacqueline Melissa Powell PDF format also available.
- Evolution Fraud Compilation of cases of known fraud committed to prove evolution
- Evolution from the Creationary Perspective Introduction to creationary evolution
- Fossils and the Biblical Flood
- Fossil Sorting During the Flood
- Gene Hijacking: The Role of Interspecies Gene Transfer Explores the possibility of natural genetic transformations
- The Genetic Limits of Evolution homozygote or purebreed which can no longer produce variable offspring
- Genetic Variability by Design by Chris Ashcraft. Journal of Creation 18(2) 2004.
- Geocentricity
- The Geological Column
- Global Flood Geology
- Grand Canyon; Evidence in Support of Biblical Catastrophe by Chris Ashcraft
- Has the Creator Revealed His Identity? by Thomas J. Kindell
- How Did Life Begin? Return to God Magazine
- How Did Plants Survive the Biblical Flood? analysis of plant survivability
- Immortality and the Original Sin - Addresses the question of whether there was immortal on earth before sin.
- Is There a Future for Christian Education by Chris Ashcraft. Journal of Creation 24(3), December 2010
- James Ossuary Withstands Accusations by Chris Ashcraft. Creation 32(1), January 2010.
- Marsupial Postflood Migration or Evolution by Chris Ashcraft. A creation science theory proposing the evolution of marsupials from placental mammals.
- Mt. St. Helens; Evidence in Support of Biblical Catastrophe by Chris Ashcraft
- Natural vs. Supernatural History - An introduction to Creation Science
- New Design Innovatons from Biomimetics: Lobster Recruited in the War on Terrorism by Chris Ashcraft. Creation 32(3):21-23, August 2010.
- Noah's Ark and Earth History
- Only One Lake Missoula Flood by Michael J. Oard. Journal of Creation 14(2):14-17, 2000
- Post-flood Marsupial Migration Explained by Robert Byers
- Reflections of a Mathematician by John Johnson
- Textbooks in Public Schools: Education or Indoctrination? by Mike Riddle
- What Are the Biblical Kinds?
- What is Creation Science?
- What's Driving Evolution? Mutation or Genetic Recombination - A discussion on the principal source of genetic variability