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Why Should Anyone Believe the Bible?


Multimedia Presentation by Dan Kreft
Cedar Park Church
. March 27, 2024


What is apologetics, anyway? Those who have only a passing familiarity with Christian apologetics typically think that it’s all about arguing people into the Kingdom, so they reject it; whereas those who are familiar with apologetics tend to see it as a “rational defense of the Christian faith” that often involves philosophical argumentation to prove God's existence, and/or impressive presentations of geological or astronomical evidences to support biblical claims. But, is this what is modeled for us in Scripture? In this presentation, Dan will walk us through the Scriptures to build a model of what apologetics is all about from a strictly biblical perspective.

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About the Speaker:

Dan KreftDan Kreft, the Seven-Foot Apologist, is a cross-generational teacher, itinerant speaker, and author of the three-volume book, “Jesus” Is Not the Answer to Every Sunday School Question. In addition to his own ministry, he also serves as an adjunct instructor for Mike Riddle's Creation Training Initiative, and is on the board of directors for the Apologetics Forum of Snohomish County.

Dan earned a BS in electrical engineering from Northwestern University, where he gained notoriety by becoming the first NCAA Division I student-athlete to keep what would later come to be known as a "blog," which earned him an invitation to write for Sports Illustrated. After graduating, he played professional basketball for three years, including a rather memorable encounter against Shaquille O'Neal. Though he's been developing websites professionally since 1995, Dan’s passion is to equip and encourage the body of Christ to confidently deliver biblical responses to skeptical assaults on our faith, with a particular emphasis on the sufficiency and authority of Scripture, starting with the very first verse.

Apologetics Symposium

The Apologetics Symposium is an educational program addressing the conflicts that exist between naturalism and the Biblical worldview. As part of a weekly Wednesday evening series at Cedar Park Church, this program features a different speaker each month. Join us in person or through our live webcast for multimedia presentations from educators and scientists who are dedicated to defending the Bible.

View the recordings archived on our website.

See upcoming schedule of topics and speakers.