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How Old Is The Earth?

by Ron Payne
Cedar Park Church Bothell, WA
June 2nd, 2021


Is it 4.8 billion years as evolutionary geology teaches or just thousands of years ago as the Bible teaches? The issues around this debate is likely the biggest issue that separates a Christian Worldview from a secular Worldview and unfortunately also between Christians. It is a fundamental issue of AUTHORITY: Man or God? We will discuss the fundamental flaws in the evolutionary processes of radiometric age dating, the assumptions being made, numerous examples of inconsistent results and many evidences of catastrophic geological events that demonstrate “It doesn’t Take Millions of Years”. We will learn about “Critical Thinking” applied to this subject.


About the Speaker:

Ron PayneRon Payne has a B.S. degree in chemistry from the University of Washington and studied microbiology at Oregon State University. He spent 35 years in the Aerospace Industry as a Senior Principle Materials and Process Engineer specializing in chemical processes, waste treatment, metallurgy, circuit board fabrication, metal finishing, adhesives, coatings, paints, cleaning, electronic assembly, procurement engineering and technical documentation.
He was a Board member for the Creation Association of Puget Sound (CAPS) and also for the Mount St. Helens Creation Center for more than 15 years. He managed and provided creation resources for CAPS and spoke on various creation topics to homeschool and church groups. He specializes in creation tours to Mount St. Helens and Dry Falls sponsored by the Apologetics Forum.

Apologetics Symposium

The Apologetics Symposium is an educational program addressing the conflicts that exist between naturalism and the Biblical worldview. As part of a weekly Wednesday evening series, this program features a different speaker each month. Join us at Cedar Park Church or through our live webcast.

View the recordings archived on our website.

See upcoming schedule of topics and speakers.