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The Case for God


Multimedia Presentation by Dr. Juan Valdez
February 23rd, 2022
Cedar Park Church Bothell, WA


Can Christianity be defended beyond a shadow of a doubt? Depends on your worldview! We have good arguments for you. The cumulative case for God’s existence is overwhelming. This talk is designed to present the four classical arguments for God’s existence. Each argument (Design, Creation, Morality, and Being) is presented clearly and objections are considered.

Download Video - 4.8 GB MP4

About the Teacher

Juan ValdesJuan Valdes has a love for the Lord and a passion to reach both English and Spanishspeaking people with God’s message of redemption and biblical truths. God has blessed Juan with exciting and motivating communication skills, which he enjoys using to encourage and equip believers to know, live and share what they believe.

Juan is the senior pastor of a Spanish-speaking congregation in Florida and has worked at a Christian school as both a chaplain and a teacher for more than 20 years. Juan’s educational background includes graduate work at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and master’s degrees from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary and Logos Graduate School. He has a Doctor of Ministry in Apologetics from Southern Evangelical Seminary. As an educated and experienced teacher of apologetics, Juan has taught Bible and Introduction to Philosophy at the High School level, and Theology, Bible, and Apologetics at the seminary level, in both English and Spanish.

Juan’s passion for teaching biblical apologetics, and his ability to effectively communicate in both English and Spanish, makes him a much sought after speaker. He speaks regularly in the greater Miami area, across the country and internationally, at pastor’s conferences, youth conferences, apologetics conferences, and church services and events. Juan and his wife Daisy have been married 25 years and have two adult children Juan Elias and Jessica. Together they serve in various areas of ministry in Miami, Florida.

Reasons for Hope | |

Apologetics Symposium

The Apologetics Symposium is an educational program addressing the conflicts that exist between naturalism and the Biblical worldview. As part of a weekly Wednesday evening series, this program features a different speaker each month. Join us at Cedar Park Church or through our live webcast.

View the recordings archived on our website.

See upcoming schedule of topics and speakers.