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Can You Believe the Bible?

 Vince LaPoint
Cedar Park Church
June 9th, 2021


Is the Bible the Word of God? Is the Bible Still the Word of God (or did it get corrupted along the way)? Many people still ask these questions today, and rightly so. This presentation will explore these questions in a way that we can remember and share with others.

Together, we will investigate how the Bible was manually copied time and time again. Did that introduce errors? What measures were taken to avoid mistakes? How do we know what the original manuscripts said when we do not have them any more and there are portions of the copies that may have been altered or lost?

Then, we will see if there is extra-biblical support for the Scriptures. Do Archaeology and History support the events recorded in the Bible? What about specific Biblical Prophecy? Was it accurately fulfilled? How is Biblical Prophecy different from that of Nostradamus and other infamous prognosticators? And finally, does the Bible meet its purpose in the lives of people today? Together, we will ask and answer: Can You Believe the Bible?

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About the Speaker:Vince LaPoint

Vince LaPoint has spent many years in the computer industry, successfully leading teams in several large high-tech corporations. As a critical thinker and not from a religious family, he unexpectedly put his faith in Christ many years ago after determining the Christian faith is true. Still, for his own peace of mind, he continues to validate and verify the accuracy of the Scriptures, chasing down the answers of some of the most asked questions. Today, Vince is a sought-after speaker on apologetics and serves as the State President for The Gideons International for Washington, Alaska, Northern Idaho. He is presently co-leading a discipleship class at his church in Bellevue. He is in the process of republishing his website:

Apologetics Symposium

The Apologetics Symposium is an educational program addressing the conflicts that exist between naturalism and the Biblical worldview. As part of a weekly Wednesday evening series, this program features a different speaker each month. Join us at Cedar Park Church or through our live webcast.

View the recordings archived on our website.

See upcoming schedule of topics and speakers.