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Creation History with Chris Ashcraft


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The Age of the Creation:

And Why it Matters

Multimedia Presentation by Chris Ashcraft
Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church Bothell, WA
May 22nd, 2024

Part 1 - The Biblical Age of the Earth

Part 2 - Physical Support for a Young Earth

Part 3 - Physical Support for a Young Solar System


The Age of the CreationSecular science teaches a "natural history" of the Earth and claims it is 4.6 billion years old. However, the Biblical history contains dates that only allow for an age of just over 6000 years.

This presentation will summarize the various arguments for the Biblical age of the creation and why this issue is important for Bible believers. Numerous physical measurements will be described, which argue conclusively that the Earth simply cannot be billions of years old. When scientific findings are examined, we find there is overwhelming proof of a recent creation.


Part 1 - The Biblical Age of the Earth

  • The Age Issue - Why it Matters
  • Theistic Evolution vs. Young Earth Creation
  • The Global Flood - Key to the Evolution / Earth Age Debate

Part 2 - Physical Support for a Young Earth

  • Very Little Sediment on the Seafloor
  • Bent Rock Layers
  • Fossilized Soft Tissue
  • Lazarus Bacteria with DNA
  • Very Little Salt in the Sea
  • Excess Helium in Radioactive Rocks
  • Carbon-14 Found in Fossils, Coal, and Diamonds

Part 3 - Physical Support for a Young Solar System

  • Faint Sun Paradox
  • Rapidly Decaying Magnetic Field
  • Short-lived Comets
  • Recession of the Moon
  • Conclusion - Age of the Universe & Why Age Matters


The latest files for this presentation are below and made freely available to our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Student files Teacher files

About the Teacher:

Chris AshcraftChris Ashcraft is a Christian educator employed as high school science teacher at Cedar Park Christian Schools, and Adjunct Professor at Northwest University. Chris has also worked in plant biotechnology. He was a research technician at the Cotton Fiber Production Laboratory at Texas Tech University, then at the Plant Transformation Facility at Oklahoma State University, and lastly was the Plant Transformation Specialist for EDEN Bioscience in Bothell Washington ..

He obtained a Bachelor of Science in biology from Wayland Baptist University in 1989, a Master of Science in biology from Texas Tech University in 1996, a Master of Education from the University of Washington in 2008, and a Master is Teaching Math and Science from Seattle Pacific University in 2012.

Chris moved from research science into the teaching profession to serve God in Christian education. His decision was motivated by the impact that secular science is having on people of faith. Today, close to 50% of Christian students lose their belief in God while attending secular schools. This tendency could be lessened if the Church was better equipped to defend the authority of Biblical teachings (1 Peter 3:15). To be prepared for these challenges, it is important that Churches provide regular educational programs on creation and other Bible apologetics.

Apologetics Symposium

The Apologetics Symposium is an educational program addressing the conflicts that exist between naturalism and the Biblical worldview. As part of a weekly Wednesday evening series at Cedar Park Church, this program features a different speaker each month. Join us in person or through our live webcast for multimedia presentations from educators and scientists who are dedicated to defending the Bible.

View the recordings archived on our website.

See upcoming schedule of topics and speakers.