Creation Discussion
The creation science community exists as a loosely connected network of groups and individual ministries. Interacting with fellow creationists is critical if the person and the community is to grow. Seek out and join any local organization that exists in your region, and network yourself using email discussion groups. Many of the public forums that debate creation vs. evolution are insufficiently moderated and the discussion can quickly turn personal; so beware. Nevertheless, participation in these lists can be a tremendous learning experience, and the group serves as a collective intelligence for answering questions or reviewing material.
Creation Science Discussion Forums and Bulletin Boards - Offsite
- Affiliation of Christian Geologists - Listserv
- American Scientific Affiliation - Listserver
- Association of Christian Biologists Listserv
- Association of Christian Geology Listserv
Apologetics and Research Ministry Discussion Boards
- Creation vs. Evolution Archive by CARM
- Creation Link UK - Email Listserver
- Creation List by CSC. Please send an email message to Your email should simply say: subscribe creation or unsubscribe creation. Make sure that you are sending the email message from the address you want subscribed
- CreationEvolutionDesign Discussion list is for sharing and discussing creation, evolution and design issues, with the aim of converging on the truth.
- creationevolutiondebate friendly atmosphere where members are free to share their knowledge but without fear of being attacked
- CreationEvolutionDesign creation, evolution and intelligent design issues
- creationmatters Association of Christians in the North East of England
- Creationism Debates and Polls Numerous topical debate boards
- CreationTalk Creationist-only email discussion group provided by the Creation Science Resource
- DEBUNKINGEVOLUTIONISM an alternative to the DebunkCreation listserv
- EvC Forum Home Page Creation versus evolution. God versus science. Faith versus materialism.
- Evidence for God from Science Discussion Board
- gummi_5 This group will discuss topics of the Creation/Evolution debate. This is moderated, so any use of profanity or bullying to prove your point is advised against.
- humanevolution On The Formations Of Major Racial Groups of The Homo Sapiens
- Hydroplate List by CSC: Please send an email message to Your email should simply say: subscribe hydroplate or unsubscribe hydroplate. Make sure that you are sending the email message from the address you want subscribed
- Intelligent_Design discuss the theory of intelligent design (ID) and the concept of irreducible complexity (IC)
- Naturalism Theism and Scientific Enterprise LISTSERV: How to subscribe:Send e-mail to with the message body: SUBSCRIBE NTSE YOURNAME
- Talk.Origins Archive - a secular forum for discussion of issues related to biological and physical origins. This site has a useful search page, an extensive set of frequently asked questions with a keyword index.
- TheisticEvolution Many want to say that GOD and Evolution go against each other, but they are wrong. Profanity will not be tolorated
- wwcw_org_god_bible_science discussion of the scientific evidence for the existence of the God of the Bible