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Chris Ashcraft is one of the leading scientific minds in the Pacific Northwest. His knowledge of the science of origins (i.e., creation) is exceptional. I highly recommend Chris and the creation conferences he promotes in the Seattle area. He himself is an excellent speaker and a great defender of of scientific creationism.

Phil Fernandes
President - Institute of Biblical Defense
March 17, 2013

Dear Bro. Preacher,              

Let me introduce to you a science teacher and friend of mine, Chris Ashcraft, who specializes in Creationism.  He did a wonderful job in presenting an exciting program concerning dinosaurs to our church. His lectures are sharp, witty, and reasonable and have been very well received by our folks.  His presentations are fitting to believers and non-believers alike, as he is an articulate and rational speaker who allows the weight of presented evidence speak for itself.  You won’t be disappointed to have him represent Creation to your school or church.  Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have for me concerning our recommendation of Bro. Ashcraft.  May the Lord grant us with more of these kinds of servants, equipped to fill the need of this hour.                

We were glad to host the Seattle Creation Conference of 2011.  It was a win-win for all involved.  My first and foremost desire was to be a blessing and help to the folks of our own church.  In hosting the conference we were able to have exposure to some of the best cutting edge creation scientists and presentations around.  There would have been no way that we could have afforded the costs of the speakers alone. But we were able to take advantage of having them here through the effort and arrangements of Chris Ashcraft and his crew.              

Secondly, I want to use any and all influence we have to promote the biblical account of creation to a world that generally cannot seem to get past the challenge of evolution.  This today is one of Christianity’s fiercest battlegrounds.  We cannot even get a hearing if we fail to present a sound and scientifically accurate creation model that contradicts the shoddy faith-driven model of evolution.              

That is where the major event of the Seattle Creation Conference comes into play.  Top scientists and speakers from various disciplines and scientific organizations take their turn in the conference to drive the one nail of true science further into the minds and hearts of believers and honest seekers.  The Bible is commended and people are directed to the God of creation.             

We discovered that the benefits far outweighed the labor involved in hosting the meeting.  Our overall experience was positive, in that we came away willing to host the conference again in the future as the opportunity arises.  I believe that the presentations and teachings of the Seattle Creation Conference are beneficial to good churches who aspire to equip their people with the truth of the Word of God.  

All for Him,
Pastor Rich Farinella,
Senior Pastor Woodin Valley Baptist Church
September 5, 2012

Dear Fellow Pastor or Church Leader,

I believe that one of the biggest obstacles keeping many people from coming to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ is the evolution deception. This deception ultimately leads people to believe that there is no God, thus, keeping them from turning to Him in faith and receiving His amazing love and grace. There are even many Christians who are tripped up by the evolution vs. creation debate, and they are confused about how scientific evidence seems to fly in the face of their faith and what the Bible teaches.  As a result, they remain ill-equipped to defend the Christian faith, and may even question the validity of many biblical accounts. Sadly, I even found this to be true in the church I pastor, so when I heard about the creation conference that Chris Ashcraft and the Northwest Creation Network put on, I didn’t hesitate to have them come. Hosting the creation conference was a tremendous blessing for us as a church.

Our congregation was literally amazed, as they learned about the scientific and geological evidence that supports faith in God and the Bible. Many in our community who had believed in the theory evolution also came to discover that it’s exactly that, a theory, and that the overwhelming evidence actually supports a young earth that was created by God. This knowledge is so vital in this day and age, and Chris Ashcraft has invested many years in this area of study, and does an amazing job at presenting it in a way that is engaging, and that the average person can understand. Sometimes hearing a lecture on this subject matter can be a little dry and hard to follow, but that’s not the case when you’re listening to Chris. He keeps your attention, as do the other speakers! I absolutely loved Chris’ talk on “Amazing Animals: Design vs. Darwinism”. He presented things about various animals that I had never known before, or even considered, and I went away from that talk not only with a new appreciation for these amazing animals, but for the amazing God who created them! I would highly encourage you to consider having Chris Ashcraft share his knowledge on the subject of creation with your congregation, and if you’re considering hosting a creation conference, I’m confident that you’ll be glad you did.


Jeff Dutra
Senior Pastor
Family Life Center
April 20, 2011
Download letter of recommdation.

Chris Ashcraft has taught classes at New Life University for the past 5+ years.  He is a very clear communicator who provides biblical truths with insight and thorough knowledge.  His classes are some of the best attended.Chris not only teaches adults with enthusiasm and insight, but youth also benefit from his classes. Chris is well studied and brings his strengths on the topic of creation apologetics to his classes.  He utilizes current technology to underscore the truths he is teaching.We highly recommend Chris as a teacher and presenter of biblical truth on the topics of creation.

Susan Boucard
Associate Pastor
New Life Foursquare
March 24, 2011
Download letter of recommdation

"Just Awesome! We have a God that loves us right where we are. To see where we are in the galaxy, how small. It sure was a Wow Experience. Thanks you for sharing this gift that God has given you. Looking forward to seeing more".

Pastor Matthew and Lauren Nadeau
Lake Connor Christian Fellowship
January 2011

Church Leaders

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing this letter to recommend that you give a hearing to “Creation Apologetics” by Christopher Wayne Ashcraft, M.S., M.Ed. We heard his presentation in our class at Aurora Church of the Nazarene and he was very well received.

Christopher Ashcraft is, in my opinion, a valuable asset in providing needed information. Other members of our class include pilots, at least 3 who held Top Secret clearances in the military and technical government fields and one retired individual who makes biological testing devices for Homeland Security. He also holds several patents on medical devices. Our class was very favorably impressed with Chris’s presentation and felt it was extremely valuable.

Sincerely, Dan Ross
Aurora Church of the Nazarene
Mar 7, 2013

Download letter of recommdation

Chris Ashcraft recently was a guest speaker for our monthly Men's event and presented "The Heaven's Declare - Seeing God in the Universe."  The event was a good draw, kept men's attention throughout, was well received and had a good Bible based message.  We need people like Chris who are both knowledgeable and passionate about Jesus Christ and His creation.  I recommend Chris and his creation messages for both church and school events.

Dan Hiatt
Cedar Park Christian Church
Men's Ministry Director 
December 2010

Creation Ministries

It is my great pleasure to heartily and cheerfully recommend Chris Ashcraft as a masterful, talented, and knowledgeable creation speaker. I have known Chris for about five years and have invited him to speak to Design Science Association of Portland, Oregon, on at least four occasions. His talks have drawn more than two hundred attendees at a time and have had great response from the audiences. Chris knows his topics thoroughly and punctuates his presentations with state of the art photographs, videos, and animations. The talks are well-paced, interesting, and very informative. Chris’ knowledge of current science and especially genetics makes him all the more credible.I have invited Chris into my home on more than one occasion and have come to know him personally. I am impressed with his love of the Lord and dedication to sharing reasons to believe that the Bible is true and can be taken literally. His technical computer skills give him a rare speaker’s gift. Chris is a young scientist called of God for such a time as this to get out the true message of salvation, the truth of scripture, and creation by God—not by some unseen, unknown force or cosmic accident.Feel free to call me if you have any questions about his abilities or presentations.

Howard S. Mudder, M.S. Biology, U. of O.
High School Physics Teacher
Horizon Christian High School, Tualatin, OR
Program Director, Design Science Association of Portland 
March 26, 2011Download letter of recommdation.


"Wow! We had our mouths hanging open Chris! That was fabulous and I hope you will come and show it to us again!"

Melinda - Lake Connor Christian Fellowship
January 2011


I attended your men's group lecture on creation versus evolution in the month of January.

I want you to know how impressed I was with your excellent work in this field. It is truly a gift from God that the students at Cedar Park have you as a teacher. At one time, I taught accounting at the university level. I know what it takes to be a good instructor and teacher.

You have truly exceeded anyone's best expectations as a great teacher. Thank you for doing a great job. May God continue to bless you with wisdom.

Hans Kasper
March 16, 2013

Mr. Ashcraft, I had to take time out to let you know how The Lord used your lecture "Genesis: Fables or foundations of our faith" to truly bless my soul! God could make "an hundred year old tree" in one day!!! He's God!!!! Your teaching was clear, precise, informative, and best of all, dumbed down enough for me to fully comprehend it. People may look at me like I have two heads when I tell them that the Earth is only 6000 years old, but you have given me some awesome insight into the science behind their evolutionary perspective, enabling me to defend the faith with the Word of God. I loved your points about evolutionists not being able to explain life after such a cataclysmic flood, and Jesus first miracle showing his creative power by turning water into wine!

I'm praying for your Ministry; that God would continue to anoint you to preach and teach the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ! God Bless you Brother in Christ!

Eric McClary Jr
May 9, 2016