Abiogenesis Links: The Origin of Life
Abiogenesis Homepage
Abiogenesis by CreationWiki
- Abiogenesis
- Theory of evolution
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- Extraterrestrial life
- Evolution is baseless without a theory of abiogenesis Response to Talk.Origins
- Abiogenesis experiments produce toxins such as cyanide and formaldehyde Response to Talk.Origins
- Abiogenesis is speculative, without evidence Response to Talk.Origins
- A Biochemical View of Life by Jerry Albert. Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation 29. (June 1977): 76 - 84.
- Abiogenesis and the Origin of Life by Chris Ashcraft
- Abiogenesis - Stanley L Miller's 1953 experiment
- Abiogenic Origin of Life: A Theory in Crisis by Arthur V. Chadwick, Ph.D.
- Abiogenesis: The Skeptics View by Texans for Better Science Education
- Abiogenesis Update Quotes and References by Laurence D Smart
- Biogenesis and Abiogenesis by the Catholic Encyclopedia
- Biogenesis is Impossible by Natural Means by Bill Donahue
- Can Life Arise from Non LIfe? by Joseph Mastropaolo and Karl Priest
- Cell Membrane-Like Organic Vesicles Formed in Conditions Mimicking Interstellar Clouds? by GodandScience.org
- Chemical Composition of the Earth's Original Atmosphere by John C. Walton
- Chirality; Still a Problem for Origin of Life
- Could Life Just Happen? by Ron Lyttle
- Did God Create Life? Ask a Protein by Thomas F. Heinze
- Did Life Begin in an RNA World? by L. J. Gibson Origins 20(1):45-52 (1993).
- Did Life Start When Amino Acids Made Proteins? by Thomas F. Heinze
- DNA and the Origin of Life PDF by Stephen C. Meyer
- DNA, Design, and the Origin of Life Charles B. Thaxton, Ph.D. paper presented at, Jesus Christ: God and Man, an international conference in Dallas, Texas, November 13-16, 1986.
- How Did Life Begin? Return to God Magazine, Volume 1 Number 1, page 4
- How Did Life Begin? by Doug Horchak
- Hydrothermal Origin of Life? by Jonathan Sarfati. Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal 13(2):5–6, 1999
- Is the Chemical Origin of Life a Realistic Scenario?- a list of the "science of the gaps" beliefs of those who reject a Creator God.
- Life: An Evidence for Creation by George T. Javor Origins 25(1):2-48
- Life from life...or not? by by David Demick Creation ex nihilo 23(1):36–4. December 2000
- Life - God's Creation, or Abiogenesis by Curt Sewell. Creation Bits No.13
- Loopholes in the evolutionary theory of the origin of life by Jonathan Sarfati
- Mathematical Philosophy and Evolution Robert A. Herrmann Ph. D.
- Organization and the Origin of Life by John C. Walton. Origins 4(1):16-35 (1977).
- Origin of Life: A Look at Late 20th-Century Thinking by George T. Javor. Origins 14(1):7-20 (1987).
- Origin of life and the chirality problem: Is magnetochiral dichroism the solution? by Jonathan Sarfati, Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal 14(3):9–12, 2000
- Origin of Life: Critique of Early Stage Chemical Evolution Theories by Duane Gish ICR Impact. No 31
- Origin of Life: Instability of Building Blocks by Jonathan Sarfati, Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal 13(2):124-127, 1999
- Origin of life: latest theories/problems - a discussion of the problems inherent in the RNA World hypothesis.
- Origin of Life Q&A by Answers in Genesis
- Origin of Life References -ChristianAnswers.Net
- Origin of Life Research Projects at the Earth History Research Center
- Origin of Life: the Polymerization Problem by Jonathan Sarfati. TJ 12(3):281–284. December 1998
- Origin of Life: The Theory of Surface Metabolism by George T. Javor. Origins 16(1):40-44 (1989).
- Origin of Life: The Fox Thermal Model of the Origin of Life by Duane T. Gish, Ph.D. ICR Impact No. 33
- Origin of the Life Questions - Creation SuperLibrary
- Origin of life: the Chirality Problem by Jonathan Sarfati, Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal 12(3):281–284, 1998
- Origin of life: the polymerization problem by Jonathan Sarfati, Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal 12(3):281–284, 1998
- Oxygen - The Deathblow to Life? by John Ankerberg, Steve Austin, Duane Gish, Kurt Wise
- Primordial Soup Anyone? by Cathy Bakken. Reasons to Believe - Seattle Chapter. News and Views. October 2003.
- Probabilities of randomly assembling a primitive cell on Earth by Dermott J. Mullan. PCID Volume 1.4. October-December 2002.
- Quantum leap of faith Paul Davies and the origin of life Alexander Williams. Creation ex nihilo 22(2):42–43. March 2000
- Rare 'Primitive Bugs' -- Neither Primitive Nor Rare by Carl Wieland, Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal 9(1):4, 1995
- RNA World: A Critique by Kenyon and Mills. Origins & Design 17:1
- Sea Vents Closed as Life-Origin Site by Fazale R. Rana PhD. Connections 2002 - Volume 4, Number 2
- Self-replicating Enzymes? A critique of some current evolutionary origin-of-life models by Jonathan Sarfati, Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal 11(1):4–6, 1997
- Serious Difficulties for Abiogenesis by Steve Hinrichs
- Simple cells by Dr Luke Randall (C. Biol., M.I. Biol. M.Sc., Ph.D)
- The First Atmosphere by Andrew Snelling. Creation 3(4):46–52. November 1980
- The Impasse of Molecular Evolution by Harun Yahya. Evolution Deceit. Chapter 11
- The Improbability of Abiogenesis by David Plaisted
- The Improbability of Abiogenesis Spontaneous Generation Redux by R. Totten
- The Mystery of Life's Origin - Charles B. Thaxton, Walter L. Bradley, and Roger L. Olsen.
- The Myth of Chemical Evolution by David Rosevear. ICR Impact 313. July 1999.
- The Origin of Information By Mark Eastman, M.D. and Chuck Missler
- The Origin of Life by David Menton Ph.D.
- The Origin of Life and the Death of Materialism by Stephen C. Meyer. The Intercollegiate Review 31, no. 2. April 1, 1996
- The Origin of Life and Suppression of Truth by Eastman and Missler
- The Origin of Life on Planet Earth by Jim Schicatano
- The Origin of Life Prize consists of $1.35 Million (USD) paid directly to the winner(s) for proposing a highly plausible mechanism for the spontaneous rise of genetic instructions in nature sufficient to give rise to life.
- The Primitive Atmosphere by D. Denner Creation Ex Nihilo 3(3):23-27
- Why Abiogenesis Is Impossible by Jerry Bergman Ph.D. Creation Research Society Quarterly, Vol. 36, No. 4, March 2000
Why the
Miller–Urey research argues against abiogenesis. by Jerry Bergman.
Journal of Creation 18(2):28–36
August 2002