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Live & Webcast

Apologetics Symposium

Monthly at
Cedar Park Church
 and Evergreen Baptist

Online Apologetics Course

Creation History with Chris Ashcraft

Unit 1

Biblical Apologetics

Worldviews in Conflict

Biblical Creationism & Defending Genesis

Age of the Creation

Unit 2

Geology & Flood

Fossils & the Bible



Origin of Life

Ape Man

Unit 3

Intelligent Design

Wonders of the Cell

Amazing Animals

Wonderfully Made Human Body

Unit 4

Creation Astronomy

Solar System

Big Bang

The Universe - Let the Heavens Declare

UFOs & Alien Deception

Unit 5

New Testament Archaeology

OT Archaeology - Part 1

OT Archaeology - Part 2 Egyptian Synchrony


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The Origin of Humans:

Evolution or Made in God's Image

by Mike Riddle


This talk begins by showing the history of mistakes and deception in attempting to produce "the missing link." This talk presents convincing evidence that Neanderthals were just modern humans and that the australopithecines (including Lucy) are just extinct apes.

Topics include:

  • Four famous mistakes
  • Neanderthals
  • Lucy and the Australopithecines
  • Rearranging data to promote evolution
  • Mutation rates – a case study.
